G App Launcher (Shortcuts for Google™)
Le meilleur accès aux services et sites Web Google™
Privacy Badger
Privacy Badger apprend automatiquement à bloquer les traceurs invisibles.
Historique des prix sur 6 mois, produits similaires, recherche d'article par image, évaluations du vendeur.
Category Tabs for Google Keep™
Organisez mieux vos notes Google Keep
Changez le web à volonté avec des userscripts
Avast Online Security
Avast Browser Security and Web Reputation Plugin.
I don't care about cookies
Get rid of cookie warnings from almost all websites!
Distill Web Monitor
Surveillez une page web ou un flux et soyez prévenu des changements par SMS et alertes e-mails.
Netcraft Extension
Comprehensive site information and protection from phishing and malicious JavaScript when browsing the web
All Image Download. Image Zoom. Expand Thumbnail and Audio and Video. Expand the short URL. Override Referer. Extend BBS. etc...
GitHub on steroids
Write emails faster! Increase your productivity with templates and keyboard shortcuts on Gmail, Outlook, or LinkedIn.
Google™ Translator
A handy multi-language translator built on top of Google translate.
PerfectPixel by WellDoneCode
This extension helps develop your websites with pixel perfect accuracy!
Copy As Plain Text
Copy as plain text the content of web pages with rapid preview using context menu
Web Panel
Navigate to websites in the sidebar.
Asciidoctor.js Live Preview
Render AsciiDoc (.ad, .adoc, .asc, .asciidoc) as HTML inside your browser!
A simple way to control the tab order of the browser.
A simple menu to enable, disable and access options of extensions.
GitHub Hovercard
Neat hovercards for GitHub.
Classic Tabs
Classic Tabs brings back some of the extra tab options from Opera 12.
Gismeteo weather forecast in speed-dial
Gismeteo weather forecast in speed-dial. Real time weather and detailed forecast all round the world
RightTasks for Gmail™
Improved task management in Gmail™
Vertical Tabs
Manage your tabs in the sidebar!
HTML5 Editor
HTML5 Editor with CSS, JS, HTML validator and beautify code
HideMyAss - Free Web Proxy
Use free web proxy to surf anonymously online, hide your IP address, and protect your online identity.
DotVPN - better than VPN
Le VPN le plus puissant pour Opera. Profitez de la liberté et de la confidentialité.
Ant.com Antmarks Extension
Manage your favorite web pages
Browserling - Cross-browser testing
Cross-browser test websites in the most popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. Try for free!
A handy way to clear cache, cookies, downloads and history.
Classic Images
Brings back image features from Opera 12
Feedly Notification
Notifier of unread articles for Feedly.