'chrome extension' için arama sonucu sayısı: 1036
Page timer
place a timer into a webpage which will bring the page back at the end of the timer
YouTube Hits
YouTube Hits finds trending (hot) songs for you from reddit.com/r/Music
Image to Text Free OCR imagetotext.io
Free Image to text online tool to extract text from image files at one click
FIFA™ Panel View
FIFA™ Popup View is the easiest way to surf FIFA while you browse internet
Download Virus Checker
Automatically check all the download files against well-known anti-viruses using VirusTotal API
WebFilter allows users to block specific websites using categorical blacklist of URLs.
Auto Tab Discard
Increase browser speed and reduce memory load when you have numerous open tabs.
PDF Mage
Click to save page as PDF
My IP Address Checker: Test IP + IPv6 + VPN
Displays IP address info and details like location + VPN usage when clicking on the IP button
Online Image Convert
Quick and easy access to online image convert.
Bastyon.com (Pocketnet) download videos and photos
Hizmetten fotoğraf ve video indirin Bastyon.com iki tıklamayla
Crunchyroll Skipper
Allows intros and outros to be skipped through a skip button per anime episode on Crunchyroll
SoundCloud Controls
Control soundcloud.com from within a toolbar panel
Youtube is No MORE
Remove everything from the homepage of youtube, so you dont get lost, and you can still check your notifications.
Fastest Notifier for Yahoo™ Mail
Yahoo™ Notifier Pro is the easiest way to check Yahoo's unread emails from a toolbar panel
YouTube Downloader 2.0
Video paylaşımından medya dosyalarını (video, ses ve resim) indirin Youtube.com kolay ve hızlı
Google™ Translator
A handy multi-language translator built on top of Google translate.
Reddit Enhancement Suite
A suite of modules that enhance your Reddit browsing experience
Facebook download video
Beğendiğiniz videoları indirin ve kaydedin Facebook.com
Instagram download photos and videos
Beğendiğiniz fotoğrafları ve videoları İnstagram'dan iki tıklamayla indirin
Image Downloader for Instagram™
Download images from Instagram in a quality of your choice
SmallPDFfree for Opera
With SmallPDFfree, managing PDFs and images directly from your browser has never been easier.
Automatically find coupon codes and special offers while shopping online!
Instagram Downloader (IDL Helper)
Instagram'dan MP3, MP4, WEBM olarak müzik ve video indirin. Galeriden bir görüntü indirebilme.
Adblocker for Youtube™
Block all Youtube Ads! Augment your YouTube experience with Fullscreen Theater Mode, Video Screenshot, Volume Booster and many more
Bright VPN - secure, private, and free VPN
Bright VPN desktop app remote controller. Bright VPN is easy to use, no email or credit card is required to use the VPN proxy.
Gender API Determines Gender of Name or E-Mail
Gender API herhangi bir web sitesinde isimlerin veya e-postaların cinsiyetini belirler.
Local pass store
A password manager with local storage, a bit like old WAND.
Automatic Tab Opener
Enables the user to set specific times to open a tab for a specific URL with options of closing automatically the tab when complete
Fix Contrast
Fix color contrast issues on websites automatically.
ProductionCrate Connect
Speed up your workflow with the ultimate add-on for your video effects, sound effects, music, graphics and 3D needs. All downloads from the ProductionCrate archives will now be auto-categorized and organized on your local drive!
Feedly Notifier Plus
is a smart badged powered toolbar notifier for feedly.com
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