Number of search results for 'tab': 320
Workspace Tab Counter
A tab counter specifically for GX, which counts tabs per workspace too.
Search all Tabs
A powerful offline indexing and searching tool to find matching terms in tab's title and content
QR Code Tab
Adds a button in toolbar and show URL from current tab as QR code
Reload All Tabs
Reload all tabs using keyboard shortcut or toolbar button.
Homepage in New Tab
This extension enables you to set homepage and open in new or current tab.
Hide Tabs (Panic Button)
Easily hide and restore all open tabs with the click of a button!
Refresh your browser tab automatically at the desired interval.
Group Your Tabs
Group opened tabs in a pretty list
Tab Discard (Suspender)
Easily suspend inactive tabs and save up memory for your browser.
Auto Tab Discard
Increase browser speed and reduce memory load when you have numerous open tabs.
VectorDraw - Paint on Tab
Draw interactive objects (circle, rectangular, polygon) or use the brush tool to write on the current tab and capture the result
Category Tabs for Google Keep™
Better organise your Google Keep notes
Tab Auto Refresh
Automatically refresh tabs based on custom time intervals
A simple way to control the tab order of the browser.
Tabby Opera Extension
Easily add BookMarks to Tabby from Opera!
Table of Contents
Generates interactive outlines for web pages.
Songsterr tablature downloader
Download Guitar Pro (GP) files from Songsterr.com for playback and editing
InTab - Code CSS 2X Faster
Visually Style Any Website In Any Browser
Volume up - Boost your sound
Increase volume of your audio or video on any browser tab.
Mention It
Replace Twitter's Moments tab with a Mentions tab
The Switcher
Switch tabs easily with keyboard
Share the current tab on the fediverse
Random quote on each new tab.
Reopen in Private
Reopen the current tab into a private window
Reload Image
Reload images in Tab/Window using context menu.
Workspace suspender
Extension to automatically unloads all tabs in a not focused workspace
(X)HTML5 Checker
A small extension to validate the markup of current tab
Pull The Lever!
Extension for saving all your currently open tabs
Cookie Auto Delete
Automatically delete cookies when a tab or the browser is closed!
An extension to help you trim your garden of tabs.
Feel free to close all ‘pending’ tabs in your browser. Use Toast to save and access tabs whenever you need.
Auto-switches to a preset tab or cycle through tabs after the user becomes inactive.
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