Extension Twitch pour suivre la streameuse Kittyih sur ses réseaux et être au courant de ses lives !
Gold Checkmark Tweet Blocker
Blocks unwanted sponsored tweets from verified companies with gold checkmark icons on Twitter.com
coge.la | URL Shortener
Free URL's shortener
Revert Site
Revert Site lets you get the old Facebook site design back (for Biz/Fan Pages only)
Outbox for Tumblr
Save outgoing Tumblr asks automatically
Shorto - URL Shorter
Create a small URL
Guide to Creating Animation & editing videos
An Introductory Guide to Creating Animation and Editing Videos.
Tweet from Context Menu
Use the right-click menu to tweet selected text
Информер Mamba.ru
Notifies about new messages on Mamba.ru
Ehsasa Program Pk
This program started for poor people and even those with no monthly income or less than 25000 rupees,ladies with no income source,students who can’t afford to study i Pak.
PM Yojana Awareness
PM Yojana Awareness-Your Virtual Helping Hand
AymSSJ Live Extension
Soit notifié dès que je suis en live !
America BestWings
As self-proclaimed wing experts.
SensCritique Notifier
Displays your SensCritique notifications unread count.
Barriers of communication
Let’s Learn About Communication Barriers And How To Communicate Effectively Without Delay.
DjimBA - leadgen and tracking system
Automation Software for LinkedIn social selling, lead generation and LinkedIn auto-connect tool.
Hub for Google News / BuzzFeed
Google News, Google Play Newsstand and BuzzFeed. News aggregator for every country. Weather forecast for Opera. Browser extension.
Flexi eBooks Pulse
Get the ranking of the best selling books for this week.
GETTR Sidebar
Bring your news feed from the free speech social media platform gettr.com to the Opera sidebar for quick access.
Secret Book
Quick launch secret book
We share all the Gcash related issues.
Likers Blocker
block all visible likers or retweeters of a tweet.
Ripple Tool
Ripple Tools provide help to people who are considering self harm
status.lol Bookmarklet
A simple bookmarklet extension for status.lol.
Quill And Fox
Best design studio
Tip Calculator
Calcuate tip by percent of amount, split it among people or calculate tip precent given final amount
This extension allows you to see the evolution of the COVID-19 Pandemic around the world in real time!
Pogo PinIt
Monetize your Pinterest Pins and engage people with targeted conversations about the things they love.
Samuse Live
Grâce à cette extension, soyez au courant quand Samuse est en Live et rejoignez la directement !