Number of search results for 'notes': 337
Design Mode
Edit any page's content by switching to design mode, where you can modify the content and drag images around like a Word Editor
Block Image|Video
Easily block all images & videos within a website!
Tab Auto Refresh
Automatically refresh tabs based on custom time intervals
Disable Autoplay for YouTube™
Disable YouTube HTML5 player from auto-playing.
JavaScript Switch ON|OFF
Switch JavaScript engine ON or OFF with just one click!
Text to Speech (TTS)
A text to speech tool with natural sounding voices.
NoScript Suite Lite
Blocks scripts (and more) on untrusted websites.
Download with Download Accelerator Plus (DAP)
when activated, interrupts the built-in download manager to direct links to DAP
Custom Dark Mode
Customize your dark mode for the web!
JavaScript Toggle On and Off
Toggle JavaScript engines (inline, data URL, remote, and external) on and off the easy way
Web Panel
Navigate to websites in the sidebar.
Drag scrollbar with your middle mouse button anywhere on the page. Supports also "grab and drag" style and Momentum.
Canvas Fingerprint Defender
Defending against Canvas fingerprinting by reporting a fake value.
Open in Safari
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Safari browser.
A simple popup to undo closed tabs, just that and a bit more.
Owlbear Rodeo Tracker
Add-on for Owlbear Rodeo tabletop map simulator. Track dice rolls, combat turns, health and conditions of characters on the map.
Avira Password Manager
Avira Password Manager saves, manages, and syncs all your passwords across all your devices.
Flag Cookies
A cookie manager on steroids to mark, 'flag', and manage cookies for one or all domains using rulesets.
Compare Refurbished - Latest Products like Phones
Find the best deals on refurbished products
Lottery Number Generator
Generates random numbers for various lotteries in the world. Pick numbers for as many tickets as wanted
Remote VLC™ Player
Controls VLC player via your browsers toolbar popup!
TweakPass: Free Password Manager
Manage your passwords on a single click
Link Revealer
See the true URL for all links and improve your security!
Historia Quick Launcher
Quick Launch App for Historians
Markdown Here
Write your email in Markdown, then make it pretty.
Advanced Bookmark Search
A fast offline search engine for bookmarks that supports searching operators
Send to Media Player Classic (MPC-HC)
Send media stream links from current tab to Media Player Classic (MPC-HC)
Search all Tabs
A powerful offline indexing and searching tool to find matching terms in tab's title and content
Open in Firefox
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Firefox browser with a left-click or through right-click context menu.
Auto Tab Discard
Increase browser speed and reduce memory load when you have numerous open tabs.
Remove Twitch Recommended Channels, Live Chat
Hide Twitch recommended channels, live chat, and related videos.
Privacy Settings
Alter the browser's built-in privacy settings in a toolbar popup
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