'chrome extension' için arama sonucu sayısı: 1036
JavaScript Restrictor
Extension for increasing security and privacy level of the user.
A pomodoro timer extension to help you be more productive.
Opera extension to close tab duplicates and search tabs.
Brainly Blocker by nitro.
An extension that blocks some of brainly's ads and other stuff.
A simple menu to enable, disable and access options of extensions.
Bulk URL Opener
A simple Opera extension to open multiple URLs at once.
Service Worker Detector
This extension detects if a website registers a Service Worker.
Squeezeimg - convert & compress images, WEBP, JP2
This extension will optimization image a page using Squeezeimg
Extension adapted for automatic captcha solving on vk.com
Markdown Here
Markdown ile email yaz, sonra da güzelleştir.
Modify HTTP request and response headers
Change the web at will with userscripts
Web Archives
View archived and cached versions of web pages on 10+ search engines, such as the Wayback Machine, Archive.is and Google.
Buster: Captcha Solver for Humans
Save time by asking Buster to solve captchas for you.
Minter Link
Minter Link — Minter Blockchain Multi Wallet & DApps connect
PasswordMaker Pro
Flexible password generator using a cryptographic hash algorithm of your choice - Fully Compatible with PasswordMaker.org
In The Dark
Turn off the lights and use a torch to see!
enables visited link colors on Google News (gN) for convenient browsing
FullScreen for Opera
Fullscreen, #1 Zoom and Dark Mode more options will get in one
Test de Purete
View and interact with the Test de Pureté website directly from your browser.
Clear Browsing Data
Delete browsing data directly from the browser toolbar. Clear cookies, history and cache with a single click.
Download History Cleaner (Eraser)
Quickly remove the download bar and wipe your browser download history for a specified period with one click.
Block Yourself from Analytics
Block your Google Analytics™ activity for the websites you own, no more false stats.
JavaScript Toggle On and Off
Toggle JavaScript engines (inline, data URL, remote, and external) on and off the easy way
Game Of thrones Spoil Blocker 2019
A Game of Thrones spoiler blocking plugin for your Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and Google News feeds.
Send to My Phone (QR Code Generator)
Generates QR code from any text (URL, message, number, etc.)
CPS Tap Counter - Count taps
Track your Spacebar counts with Tap Counter Opera Extension.
The Oracle
A mystical oracle extension with over 45 Answers! Made by MRT
Search Bookmarks, History and Tabs
Browser extension to (fuzzy) search and navigate bookmarks, history and open tabs.
Logic Circuit Diagram
An extension for your browser Opera to build your diagram logic circuit
Controle de Feed para Twitter
Extension to add extra elements to Twitter, such as automatic bot blocking and more!
This extension emulates Netscape's crypto.signText() using LSF.
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