'chrome extension' için arama sonucu sayısı: 1036
Search with Wikipedia™
Select and search in Wikipedia with mouse right-click.
Mod randomizer
Randomly enables a mod and disables other mods. Can automatically identify mods.
Frontier Wallet
One Web3 Wallet you need. Crypto, DeFi, NFTs, and more | Frontier
Family attractions and events near you
LastQuake - EMSC
Latest Significant Earthquakes
Simple Checker for Gmail™
Get badge notification when you receive a new email in your inbox
a secure peer-to-peer video and audio conference using WebRTC
Hala Furniture
We deal in a wide range of carpets, flooring, turf, curtains & blinds with all of the installation services in Dubai and all over the UAE
ClickBait YouTube™
YouTube removes all clickbait so you can choose the right video.
Web Apps by 123apps
Edit, Convert, Create
Extract Data
Extract data on opened tabs and copy it to clipboard. (as JSON, XLS or with textual format)
Desktop Lux: Effects
Customize your Web with stunning animations and effects.
Shortcuts for Google™ Products
Displays all Google products in a single, space-saving, drop-down panel
Google™ Keep
Google Keep is the easiest way to store your notes while you browse internet
Super Auto Refresh
Auto-refresh (reload) pages, on a selected interval. NO ADs. SUPER EASY.
Pixel Snake
Play the sanke game in pixel
Autosort Bookmarks CE
Auto-sorts your bookmarks alphabetically.
Cashback Shopping linkomat
Earn cashback with only 1 click - in more than 9.500 online shops! Never forget cashback with linkomat!
Hide your real email and control who can send you messages. Generate new emails with one click is pretty easy.
Super Agent - Automatic cookie consent
superagent fills out cookie consent forms based on your preferences, saving you time and letting you take control of your privacy.
Change Timezone (Time Shift)
Easily change your timezone to a desired value and protect your privacy.
GrabzIt Web Scraping Assistant
Create Web Scrapes online easier than ever before with GrabzIt's Web Scraping Assistant.
Close & Clean
Close all tabs and windows and clean up Opera in one single click
Temporary Mobile View
Temporarily switch the current tab into Android or iOS view
SoundLogin - two-factor authentication at the speed of sound
Change Geolocation (location Guard)
Easily change your geographic location (Geolocation) to a desired one and protect your privacy.
History Eraser
Deletes typed URLs, Cache, Cookies, your Download and Browsing History...instantly, with just 1-click on the Eraser button!
Video Player
Web audio and video player with speed control and volume boosting
Scroll smoothly on all websites with your mouse and keyboard.
WhatsApp Privacy Filter
WhatsApp Web için Gizlilik Filtresi
HDrezka Grabber
Fast and convenient downloading of movies and TV shows from rezka.ag! Access your favorite movies and TV shows in just a few clicks.
SaveFrom.net helper
Sadece bir tıklama ile YouTube, Facebook, VK.com ve 40'dan fazla siteden dosya indirin.
İhtiyacınız olan şeyi bulamadınız mı? Chrome Web Store lara gözatın.