Mga extension
StackExchange Notifications
Show recent achievements and inbox messages from Stack Exchange
Enables you to use NianticLab's Wayfarer in the way you want!
Slope Calculator
To find the slope of a line, enter the coordinate points of the line into the required input fields, using slope finder.
Period Formed By Double Space
This extension turns double spaces into period and space.
Opera Chat. Simple, personal.
Data Converter
Convert Kilobytes to Bytes and vice versa in one click
Совятник | PoziTone-модуль
New features of Sovyatnik: audio summary info notifications, easy player control, listened-to audio summaries list.
Test de Purete
View and interact with the Test de Pureté website directly from your browser.
Duo Strength
Adds individual skill strengths back into the duolingo webpage, similar to data on
Vonage Integration Suite
Cloud phone system integration with top business applications. Done better.
The Old Reader add feed extension
Change the facebook theme are colorful background
Metric Length Converter
Metric Length and Distance Converter to convert among, meter, kilometer, millimeter, centimeter, nanometer and more
Pnut Short Link Creator
This extension will create a shortened url link for you.
Copy Frame Address
Right click and copy a frame's address to clipboard.
Highlight interesting links. Hide irrelevant ones. Remove whole websites from search results. Cyberpunk! Updated bookmark experience
More visibility to what's more relevant. Ignore what you don't want to see.
RedForester Keeper Extension
RedForester extension to save web page quickly
Generates BBCode for inserting URLs, Youtube Videos and images.
Roman Numeral Converter
Convert Arabic numbers to Roman Numeral and vice versa!
How many Millions in a Billion
Convert among large number like million, billion, trillion and so no...
Percentage Calculator
Calculate Percentage value by applying percentage on an amount. Also calculates final amount by adding percent amount
Magyar Nevnapok
Angle Conversion
Convert among measure of angle viz., degree, radian, mil, grad, minute, second, point, circle etc.
Convert Annual Percent Rate to Annual Percent Yield based on various compounding methods ranging from daily to yearly
Area of a Circle
Calculate area of a circle given any of the following, radius, diameter or circumference and vice versa
AppHR - Интеграция
AppHR integration extension with job search websites (,, etc.)
Kodebrikkesjekken protects against fraud and ID theft for Norwegian BankID
marini masonry
Expert masonry contractor specializing in stunning brickwork, stonework, and concrete solutions for residential and commercial
Percentage Calculator
Simplify percentage calculations with ease.
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