Mga extension
Nextsense XML Signing Component
Signing XML document.
Integrate Octobox directly into your GitHub workflow
Get Thumbnails or Image to video YouTube
Make thumbnail previews or images from YouTube videos
Rainbow States
Color AWS Step Functions states
HexDump - Hex Viewer
Display file contents in hexadecimal, and ascii
ChroPath for Opera
AutonomIQ offers a developers platform ChroPath to generate and validate unique selectors like relative xpath with iframe support
Block Yourself from Analytics
Block your Google Analytics™ activity for the websites you own, no more false stats.
TeamCity Notifier
Shows notifications about various events in TeamCity
Sitecore Extensions
Small improvements which will make your work with Sitecore much easier.
OctoLinker – Links together, what belongs together.
Browser Update Watchdog
Notifies you, whenever your browser has been automatically updated.
PX to REM and REM to PX
PX / REM bidirectional converter
Tabby Extension
Easily add BookMarks to Tabby from your preferred browser!
Colored favicons for Salesforce
Make the favicon in different color based on which salesforce instance your are loggen into.
SEO Nofollow links highlighter
Highlight all nofollow links on any site you want. Excellent for SEO purposes.
Outlines nofollow links, detects nofollow and noindex meta tags on webpages. Features website filtering and custom CSS outline styles
Edit with Sublime Text
Live editing text and HTML content of the page with the Sublime Text from the page context or DevTools.
Strike Out Nofollow Links
Just strikes out nofollow links via CSS3 selectors.
Toggle Environment
Toggle between development environment url's
Bug Magnet
Bug Magnet
Type '*' plus press "space" and a search term into the Omnibox to open search in new tab.
Encode Decode HTML
Encode HTML to show it in the HTML pages a code instead of rendered HTML. Decode HTML to convert it back to HTML code
Apple Docs Force Default Language
Forces Apple's developer documentation to always open in a specific language
This extension creates a real-time visualisation of your browsing activity
This extension shows information about HTML elements on a web page when you hover over them.
Check Wordpress Version
WordPress Vulnerability Scanner - Scan for vulnerabilities, version, themes, plugins and much more!
KML/KMZ Viewer
Can be used to view KML/KMZ Files in the browser.
W3C Markup Validation Service
This validator checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc.
Open in Vivaldi
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Vivaldi browser.
CSS3 Button Maker
Is CSS button code generator free easy tool that allows you create beautiful and elegant CSS web buttons in few clicks
Tabby Opera Extension
Easily add BookMarks to Tabby from Opera!
Web Widgetizer
Web Widgetizer is a extension offering a range of features to enhance browsing. It allows users to create separate Opera windows for specific websites, manage favorite links, customize window dimensions, toggle auto-start, and open links in popup tabs via button click or shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + A). This versatile tool optimizes browsing convenience and efficiency.