CPS Test - Check Click Per Second / CPS Tester
Build your own cps record.
Monster Everywhere - pet many monsters
Looking for monsters, create your own Monster pet. tame a monster is not an easy task.
Card Kingdom Cart extension
Card kingdom...
Stream millions of free movies, shows, channels, songs, videos, and more.
SonnikGuru - онлайн сонник
SonnikGuru - бесплатный онлайн-сонник. Более 1000 толкований по 100 различным сонникам.
Love Calculator
Computes Love compatibility between two names based on letters and words. Just for fun!
Hit the dot
An easy-to-use and lite Hit-the-dot game
FIFA™ Panel View
FIFA™ Popup View is the easiest way to surf FIFA while you browse internet
GzLegends Clean Tournaments
Players using this extension prove their clean play on tournaments ,by changing the game default table color used by cheaters.
Character counter - text`s duration in seconds
Автоматический подсчет хронометража и статистики текста. Хрономер - учитывает особенности дикторской подачи и произношение цифр.
Simon is the game of lights and sounds of 80's
AniWatcher remembers the series, anime and manga on which you stopped, and also reminds you of the release of new episodes.
Drumpfinator Extreme Edition
Drump everyone you want. Add this App to your browser and replace all instances of some word/name with other word/name.
Hextris launcher
Launch and play Hextris! (This is not an original work)
Sridevi lovers
Explore the Sridevi Night Chart for the year 2023
Deel Auto Vergelijken & Huren Blog
Jouw blog over deelauto's en huurauto's en al het laatste nieuws op dit gebied
Show big PP and small PP instead of upvote and downvote on reddit
KAO Live
Ne loupez plus un seul live Twitch de Kao.
Web Extension forcing 'The Settlers Online' to use the same language as your browser!
Ogame Fleet Counter
No more asking your friends to spy and tell you your fleet points!
あべ☆アニ Extension
This extension adds the program notification functionality to Abeani ( https://appsweets.net/abeani/ ).
Cheiradores de Flatos
This extension turns reading news a funnier experience.
TSOW - The Settlers Online Widget
Use your favourite maps in „The Settlers Online“ without switching between tabs or apps.
Manga Spread Merger
A browser extension that helps manga readers join/merge two-page spreads into one in websites that don't do that.
Clarity, A DIM Companion
This extension expands upon the capabilities of Destiny Item Manager (DIM) by providing new features and better descriptions.
PirAStack Live
Add-on to see when PirAStack is live
The Oracle
A mystical oracle extension with over 45 Answers! Made by MRT
Drednot Utilities
This addon makes you able to modify the look of the game 'Drednot.io', send invites, change the gravity on your game-ship and copy & paste configurations.
Script collection for Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances
Lottery Number Generator
Generates random numbers for various lotteries in the world. Pick numbers for as many tickets as wanted
Guess anime from preview
Pack de Memes
Compartilhe memes através do navegador!