Число результатов поиска для '4qu': 279
Web Clipper: Easy Screenshot
универсальный инструмент для захвата визуальной части, всей страницы или выборочной области с поддержкой автопрокрутки и редактирования
Media Player
Мощный медиаплеер, построенный поверх проекта video.js с поддержкой HSL, контроля скорости и плейлиста.
'Improve YouTube!' (Video & YouTube Tools)
Сделайте YouTube аккуратным + умным! Цвет видео YouTube пропуск рекламы громкость скорость канала стиль инструмента HD реклама adblock блокировщик рекламы теги список ключевых слов
Grammar Checker and Rewrite Tool — Linguix
Improve your writing and create compelling content with Linguix grammar checker & rewriter.
W3C Markup Validation Service
This validator checks the markup validity of Web documents in HTML, XHTML, SMIL, MathML, etc.
Length Conversion
Convert from meters to feet, centimeters to inches, inches to feets. Range of common length conversions are available
Bytes Converter
Convert among bits, bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, terabytes, petabytes and more.
Character Count
Count the letters in the text. Also provide information related to number of non-whitespace characters, words and lines
Youtube Downloaders And Converters
Encode Decode Base64
Converts from ASCII or Unicode to Base64 by encoding the text and back from Base64 to ASCII or Unicode by decoding it
StorySaver - Instagram Story Saver
StorySaver is a free tool that lets you download Instagram stories on your computer, mobile device, or tablet anonymously.
Bitchute media downloader
Downloads videos and photo posters from Bitchute easy
Googley Styles for Rizzoma
Change the Rizzoma interface to look like Gmail and other Google apps (a.k.a. Kennedy design).
yLoader | YouTube Downloader
Worlds most advanced YouTube Downloader
Youtube Downloader
This extension add a download button on any Youtube page and allows you to download MP3 & Video with just one click.
VKfox - плагин для "ВКонтакте"
С VKfox вы всегда в курсе новостей ВКонтакте, даже оставаясь оффлайн! Вести беседы или следить за онлайном друзей стало еще проще!
Social Unblocker
Social Unblock - лидер среди инструментов разблокировки соц сетей и любого другого веб-сайта!
eCleaner (Forget Button)
Быстрое удаление истории последних событий браузера, файлов cookie, кэша, загрузок, форм и паролей за заданный период.
Video Speed Controller
Контроллер скорости видео для netflix-video, primevideo, hotstar и т. Д.
Script collection for Command & Conquer: Tiberium Alliances
Admitad Extension
Расширение №1 для заработка на вашей аудитории
Direct Currency Converter
Converts prices from any currency (€, $, £, ¥, ؋, ৳, ฿, ៛, ₡, etc.) to prices in a selectable currency automatically while browsing.
Sales Tax Calculator
Simple Calculator to compute the Sales Tax given the Cost / Prices of goods or services and the applicable tax amount
Percentage Calculator
Calculate Percentage value by applying percentage on an amount. Also calculates final amount by adding percent amount
Convert Annual Percent Rate to Annual Percent Yield based on various compounding methods ranging from daily to yearly
TechNab - Tech Blog News
TechNab extension for Opera lets you know about the latest news of Wifi, Mac and Data Recovery.
Free Snipping Tool
Quick way to start Free Snipping Tool right from Opera
Advicefortech - Tech Blog News
Advicefortech extension for Opera lets you know about latest news of Technology.
Ebikebuster - Ebike Blog News
Ebikebuster extension for Opera lets you know about the latest news of Ebike.
Google Translate Anywhere
Access to a floating multilingual Google™ Translate panel on any webpage
Steam ID Finder
Display Steam users' IDs. One-click to copy.
Weather Forecast Plus
Provides local and long range weather forecast using Weather Underground
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