Pick Bassinet
A great place for parents looking for a safe & comfortable sleeping environment for their baby. Let me wish you well for having a baby! It’s probably time to prepare a precious bundle of joy that you’ll be meeting soon. Or maybe your darling has already arrived in this world. We are here to help you get the perfect Bassinet for your baby!
Standard Deviation Calculator
Enter the comma separated values in the box to find standard deviation using standard deviation calculator.
Fuel Calculator - калькулятор расход топлива
Lepšia očkovacia registrácia
Vylepšenie korona.gov.sk (NCZI) očkovacieho formuláru. Pridáva ukladanie vyplneného formuláru.
Enables you to use NianticLab's Wayfarer in the way you want!
Period Formed By Double Space
This extension turns double spaces into period and space.
Data Converter
Convert Kilobytes to Bytes and vice versa in one click
Совятник | PoziTone-модуль
New features of Sovyatnik: audio summary info notifications, easy player control, listened-to audio summaries list.
Vonage Integration Suite
Cloud phone system integration with top business applications. Done better.
The Old Reader add feed extension
How many Millions in a Billion
Convert among large number like million, billion, trillion and so no...
Magyar Nevnapok
Kodebrikkesjekken protects against fraud and ID theft for Norwegian BankID
Workplace Status
Shows your Workplace status (Messages and Notifications) on a toolbar. No need to keep site open all the time.
Форекс трейдер
Yaware.TimeTracker Url Monitor
Time Tracker unit for monitoring URL in browsers
Gravatar Research
Click the right button of mouse on the image Gravatar to instantly receive the email address of an owner Gravatar
webcompat.com reporter
Click to report an incompatible site at webcompat.com, and optionally upload a screenshot.
Opera Chat. Simple, personal.
StackExchange Notifications
Show recent achievements and inbox messages from Stack Exchange
IP to Number
Convert IP Address (v4) to Numbers like decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary. Also, converts valid (IP) number to IP address
Fuel Calculator - fuel consumption
Calculator fuel consumption on 1/10/100 km, how much is enough 1/10/100 liters, consumption of gasoline per 100 kilometers, the volume of the tank car
Duo Strength
Adds individual skill strengths back into the duolingo webpage, similar to data on duome.eu
Smart-Nation helper
Расширяет функции обычного журнала.
CPS Tap Counter - Count taps
Track your Spacebar counts with Tap Counter Opera Extension.
Kursy walut NBP
Currencies based on Polish National Bank current average exchange rates of foreign currencies.
Sonic Menu With Prices
Welcome to SonicMenuPrices.net – Your Ultimate Destination for Sonic Drive-In Menu Prices!
Pnut Short Link Creator
This extension will create a shortened url link for you.
Test de Purete
View and interact with the Test de Pureté website directly from your browser.
Gazeta Komentarze
Restore disabled comments and voting on Gazeta.pl websites.
Grid View for Google Meet™
Adds a toggle to use a grid layout in Google Meets.
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