Number of search results for 'com': 695
Adblock Potty — best ad blocker
Potty Ad blocker - ad blocker software for Super Fast Use browser.
Web for Android Messages
Access to Chat - Android Messages on Desktop Computer. Android Messages for Web. Send SMS, view contacts. RCS.
Emoji Keyboard
The most up to date. Copy-paste Emojis everywhere. Compatible with Win, Mac, Linux and iOS, Android. Works for every website/App.
Video Hunter Downloader
Video Hunter – download videos from the Internet.
PunyCode Domain Detection
This extension attempts to detect PunyCode domain phishing attack
Sports Collaborator
A simple and Unique blog that will provide basketball league's news and information to the users.
Print the current page
Quickly print the current page with just a click
WEZY-DB Late Night Easy
Listen WEZY-DB Late Night Easy with Opera Browser.
Seesu Music
Music search, player and meetings. Powered by last.fm and others.
Website Theme Sync
Keeps the web page color theme settings in sync with system color theme.
Cookie Switch ON|OFF
Switch cookies ON or OFF with just one click!
Now Playing - OBS
Client for OBS now playing widget
Best Tennis Racquets
Our GoTennisRacquets extension will show you the Best Tennis Racquets & Equipments buying guide links.
Block Yourself from Analytics
Block your Google Analytics™ activity for the websites you own, no more false stats.
All Image Download. Image Zoom. Expand Thumbnail and Audio and Video. Expand the short URL. Override Referer. Extend BBS. etc...
Ambient Aurea
Instantly craft stunning photo galleries with ambient lighting effects in a single click.
Print the current page you see with one single click. That for all kinds of photo printing, poster printing, business cards, etc.
URL Shortener
Shortens URLs with various services.
GitHub Contribution Color Graph
Change colors of contribution graph in GitHub
Better Drive Chat
Emotes and images in Google Docs chat.
Google Sheets Tabs on Top
Move Google Sheets tabs on top
Qiita Rainbow Header
Change the color of the Qiita article headers.
World's most useless extension
The most useless extension in the world.
Mooltipass Extension
Retrieve and store Mooltipass credentials easily from websites
XKCD Substitutions
Substitutions that make reading the news more fun.
Omegle IP
Become a Hacker; You see the IP in the chat window
YouTube Speed Control
Control the speed of YouTube videos!
PersiaHR Extension
Import CVs from job search sites into Persia ATS
Random quote on each new tab.
FIFA™ Panel View
FIFA™ Popup View is the easiest way to surf FIFA while you browse internet
Hackernews Sidebar
Loads up Dharmesh Patels's excellent Web App for Hackernews on the Sidebar
BetterMaplewood, a browser extension to make your maplewood experience better
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