Number of search results for 'dark': 101
In The Dark
Turn off the lights and use a torch to see!
Changes soundcloud.com to a dark theme.
Anilibria Dark
Enables dark theme for Anilibria.TV!
Добавляет тёмную тему в Дневник.ру
Dark Mode
A global dark theme for the web
Formula 1 Darkmode
Darkmode Formula 1
ZaDark – Zalo Dark Mode
ModHub Dark Theme
Changes the theme to dark on farming-simulator.com
Dark Theme for Twitter
Turn dark theme for Twitter on and off the easy way
Dark Theme for YouTube™
A light, dark theme for YouTube with easy toggle on and off and scheduling support. This theme is based on the default YouTube theme
Auto Dark Theme for Facebook
Make Facebook automatically match your system's dark/light theme.
Dark Mode for Outlook
A better dark theme for Microsoft Outlook.
Google Search Dark Mode
Implements a Dark Mode for Google Search.
Auto Dark Theme for Feedly
Make Feedly automatically match your system's dark/light theme.
Dark Theme for YouTube™
A Dark and Smooth Theme for YouTube
Dark Skin for Youtube™
Makes Youtube go dark-side
Dark Theme for Reddit
Simple flat dark grey theme for Reddit..
Auto Dark Theme for Discord
Make Discord automatically match your system's dark/light theme.
Global Dark Style
A configure dark theme with exception list to change everything to real dark
Custom Dark Mode
Customize your dark mode for the web!
Dark Mode Global
Invert light-themed web pages into dark to reduce eyestrain
Modern, dark mode for Google Docs
Dark Theme for Google™
A highly customizable dark theme for Google products (search, images, translate, and contacts)
OP.GG Darkmode
Enable darkmode on op.gg
FullScreen for Opera
Fullscreen, #1 Zoom and Dark Mode more options will get in one
Turn Off the Lights
The entire page will be fading to dark, so you can watch the videos as if you were in the cinema. Works for YouTube™ and beyond.
Simple History
Open Opera history in dark/light mode.
If there is a body there will be a spirit. ... If there is darkness there will be light. If there is likes there should be dislikes!
Page Shadow
A series of tools designed to improve the reading of web pages in a dark environment/other.
Adjust Screen Brightness
Control your browser's global screen brightness to use sites that do not support the native dark theme
Reader View
Open any page in reader view mode; light, dark or sepia and clutter free.
Purple Of YouTube™
Shades of Purple YouTube theme that's easy on the eyes.
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