Number of search results for 'note': 338
Block Yourself from Analytics
Block your Google Analytics™ activity for the websites you own, no more false stats.
History Cleaner for Opera
immediately deletes the history of the Opera browser as it launches. You can also plan to periodically delete your Opera history.
Cookie Auto Delete
Automatically delete cookies when a tab or the browser is closed!
YouTube™ All HTML5 Player
Switch All YouTube™ Videos to HTML5 Player
Emoji Finder
Emoji Finder helps you to generate and copy emojis to any web-page like FaceBook, Twitter, Gmail
YouTube™ Repeat Button
Adds a repeat button to the HTML5 player to loop over a single track after 1 second delay
Audio Joiner — Merge Audio Files
Extract audio from video files or join multiple audio tracks into one; suitable to merge DASH streams into a single file
ZIP Manager
Open a local and remote ZIP, RAR, 7Z, or any other archive format to extract all files or selected ones without any dependencies
Custom Style Script
Add Custom JavaScript (JS) Code or Styles (CSS) to any page.
Provides control over all flash contents
Design Mode
Edit any page's content by switching to design mode, where you can modify the content and drag images around like a Word Editor
Block Image|Video
Easily block all images & videos within a website!
Tab Auto Refresh
Automatically refresh tabs based on custom time intervals
Disable Autoplay for YouTube™
Disable YouTube HTML5 player from auto-playing.
JavaScript Switch ON|OFF
Switch JavaScript engine ON or OFF with just one click!
Download with Download Accelerator Plus (DAP)
when activated, interrupts the built-in download manager to direct links to DAP
JavaScript Toggle On and Off
Toggle JavaScript engines (inline, data URL, remote, and external) on and off the easy way
Drag scrollbar with your middle mouse button anywhere on the page. Supports also "grab and drag" style and Momentum.
Canvas Fingerprint Defender
Defending against Canvas fingerprinting by reporting a fake value.
Open in Safari
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Safari browser.
YouTube™ Anywhere
Provides access to a small floating YouTube window on any page!
NoMiner - Block Coin Miners
Easily stop coin miners from using your computer resources.
NoScript Suite Lite
Blocks scripts (and more) on untrusted websites.
Email Notifier
A lite notifier that works with Gmail™, Yahoo, Live, iCloud, Mail.com, and GMX
Tor Control (anonymity layer)
Brings the anonymity of the Tor network plus modifies few settings to protect user privacy
Color Temperature (Change Lux)
A lite and easy-to-use addon that adjusts the screen color to match the environment!
VectorDraw - Paint on Tab
Draw interactive objects (circle, rectangular, polygon) or use the brush tool to write on the current tab and capture the result
Open in Yandex browser
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Yandex browser.
Web Panel
Navigate to websites in the sidebar.
A simple popup to undo closed tabs, just that and a bit more.
NoTrack - Block Redirection Tracking
Prevents redirect links from tracking you in popular search engines.
Titanium Cheats chess
Titanium Cheats suggests the best move, rates possible moves, warns for blunders, and shows how your game on chess.com evolves.
Haven't found what you need? Check out the Chrome Web Store.