Number of search results for 'https everywhere': 509
Ninja Cookie
Opt out of non-essential cookies and automatically remove cookie popups.
PNG Optimizer
Optimize PNG images and reduce the file size right in your browser!
SelectorsHub Pro
xPath plugin to auto generate, write and verify xpath & cssSelector.
Passwords Cleaner (Eraser)
Quickly delete/wipe your browser stored passwords for a defined period with one click
Likers Blocker
block all visible likers or retweeters of a tweet.
SoundLogin - two-factor authentication at the speed of sound
Star Citizen Hangar XPLORer
This extension improves the Hangar page on RobertsSpaceIndustries.com
Download with Wget
when activated, interrupts the built-in download manager to direct links to Wget
Tab Modifier
Take control of your tabs
2048 Prime
An easy-to-use and lite 2048 game!
Pixel Snake
Play the sanke game in pixel
Open Two-Factor Authenticator
An open-source two-factor Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) authenticator with SHA-256 secure storage
TestCase Studio
TestCase Studio record the user actions performed on a web application in English Sentences.
Download with Free Download Manager (FDM)
when activated, interrupts the built-in download manager to direct links to FDM
Pnut Short Link Creator
This extension will create a shortened url link for you.
Textbox Auto Resizer
Automatically resizes input fields and textareas while you're typing
Github Original Streak
Re-builds former current and longest streaks on Github profiles
Tumblr Savior for Opera
Would you like to control what shows up on your dashboard? Tumblr Savior is here to save you!
Akari URL Shortener
Akari will reduce the presence of your URL. Uses waa.ai API to generate short URLs.
Adds a button to the top-left of every page to return to the website from which that page was linked.
Dólar Hoje
Acompanhe a cotação do Dólar em tempo real. Valor do Dólar Americano sempre atualizado para você!
Error 404 Wayback Machine
In case of 404 page, checks automatically for an archived copy in the Wayback Machine.
Addon Manager with Profiling
Manage your addons on multiple profiles from a toolbar panel
TweetRight +
Share web pages, selected text, links and images on Twitter by right click.
Sun Calculator
sunlight phases, sunrise, sunset, dusk and dawn times calculator
YouTube Chapters In Player
Shows YouTube chapters right in the player
Purity Text Changer
Customize per-script Text changer.
Slim Scroll bar
Modern & slim looks for browser scroll bars!
Random quote on each new tab.
Markdown Diagrams
Render PlantUML, Mermaid and others graph/diagrams on webpages.
BetterMaplewood, a browser extension to make your maplewood experience better
EX.UA/FS.UA без рекламы
Allows to disable the ad units: in the top, between the elements of the list, at the homepage, as well as on the search pages.
Haven't found what you need? Check out the Chrome Web Store.