Number of search results for 'Disconnect Search': 250
Emoji Keyboard — typing to emoji
keep trying to find an emoji. Select and copy your favorite emoji like cow, horse, eating, flag, laughing, crying, emoji
Image Downloader
Using image downloader, locate and download all of the images on a website.
Image Downloader - Save photos and pictures
Find the images you need on any website, pick them, and download them individually or in bulk by selecting all.
Ant.com Antmarks Extension
Manage your favorite web pages
Onion VPN with Multithreading
Simultaneously connect to multiple Tor proxy servers using load balancing to increase anonymity and speed
DuckDuckGo for Opera
Simple and seamless privacy protection for your browser.
Ink for Google™
Get your favourite Google sites a new coat of paint. Update their look with Material Design
Avira Safe Shopping
Safe and Private Shopping
Tomba : Email Finder
Data to power your entire business, with just one click.
Auto Refresh Page
Refresh web pages automatically. Auto-refresh and page monitor with specified time intervals.
Virtual Keyboard | ms-Russian
Click inside the input or textarea to open Microsoft Russian Virtual Keyboard
Drag & DropZones
Replace the context menu with fancy Drag & DropZones
Cashback Shopping linkomat
Earn cashback with only 1 click - in more than 9.500 online shops! Never forget cashback with linkomat!
Vkontakte Music Downloader v4
Allows you to get music on the pages Vkontakte. vk.com, vkontakte.ru
Zoom Redirector
Zoom Redirector transparently redirects any meeting links to use Zoom's browser based web client.
Bright VPN - secure, private, and free VPN
Bright VPN desktop app remote controller. Bright VPN is easy to use, no email or credit card is required to use the VPN proxy.
ČSFD vyhladávač
Pridá možnosť vyhľadať označený text cez CSFD.cz
Open in (background) tab
Extends the context menu of selected text to open an URL in a new tab.
Tree Tabs
Manage your tabs in the sidebar!
GMX MailCheck
The safe way to access your personal mail.
Ripple Tool
Ripple Tools provide help to people who are considering self harm
stop wasting your time looking for what you are looking for, JUMP THE WEB !
Hot Game Helper
Use Hot.Game service for 100% and find best prices for any game with our extension!
The Add-On allows you to download your most-liked YouTube videos as MP3 files for free.
Allows you to navigate a web page via WAI-ARIA landmarks, using the keyboard or a pop-up menu.
Admitad Extension
Extension No.1 for earning money on your audience
Wrona History Menu
Restore, filter or remove recently closed tabs, windows and history including those from other devices.
Lemmy Keyboard Navigation
Easily navigate Lemmy with your keyboard.
Web Panel
Navigate to websites in the sidebar.
Lookup things on Wikipedia
Aliexpress Кнопка
Small but convenient button that will help you to work with AliExpress.com more effectively.
Tiny Mail Tracer
Improve eBay postal tracking in tiny way.
Haven't found what you need? Check out the Chrome Web Store.