Number of search results for 'youtube': 229
Control Center for YouTube
YouTube popup pause and resume as well as no buffer, HD quality, wide screen, ...
YouTube Timestamps
Shows YouTube timestamps from comments.
YouTube channel location
Show info about the YouTube channel location(country) in the video description.
YouTube™ Repeat Button
Adds a repeat button to the HTML5 player to loop over a single track after 1 second delay
Theater Mode for YouTube™
Forces YouTube to open the player in the theater mode (full-width mode) even if you are logged out
YouTube Ad Muter
Automatically mute sound for YouTube ads
Youtube's Annotations No More
Disable Youtube's annotations.
YouTube Still Here
Prevents YouTube and YouTube Music from pausing your playlists by showing 'Video paused. Continue watching?' dialog
YouTube Speed Control
Control the speed of YouTube videos!
YouTube Control
This add-on will greatly enhance your YouTube video viewing experience by allowing you to assign your own keyboard shortcuts to rewind videos. You can also easily set the desired rewind time on your own.
ClickBait YouTube™
YouTube removes all clickbait so you can choose the right video.
Search in YouTube
Right-click on some selected text and find results in Youtube
SkipClick for YouTube™
No need to watch boring ads on YouTube, they will be Skip Ads automatically
YouTube™ Media Player
Simple, yet elegant player for YouTube
YouTube™ to MP3
Convert & download YouTube videos to MP3 with just one click!
Thumbnail for YouTube™
HD quality thumbnail download in one click
Lyrics for YouTube
A player button to load embedded lyrics of the current track in YouTube
Purple Of YouTube™
Shades of Purple YouTube theme that's easy on the eyes.
Sidebar for Youtube Music
Youtube Music sidebar extension
Potplayer Youtube Shortcut
Quickly play or add a YouTube video (playlist), Twitch to PotPlayer using buttons on a page, also via context menu and middle-click
Sidebar for YouTube™
Simple access to YouTube using the sidebar UI
NonStop YouTube™
YouTube running non stop No video paused continue watching, No video ads
YouTube™ Downloader Lite
An ultra lite extension to download YouTube videos in popular formats!
YouTube™ Stop Button
Adds a stop button to the player interface to unload the player and stop the video from buffering any time.
Nyan Cat for YouTube™
Nyan Cat Progress Bar for YouTube™! Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan!
YouTube Tags
The extension to view the tags of any YouTube video
YouTube HD
Automatically change YouTube video quality to HD resolution or the highest available one
Youtube Shorts Blocker
Removes the shorts from Youtube
Magic Actions for YouTube™
Enhance your YouTube watching experience! Cinema Mode, Mouse Wheel Volume Control, AutoHD, Expand, Snapshots …
YouTube Thumbnail Guide
YouTube Thumbnail Guides provides easy step to view the Thumbnail of any YouTube Video.
Dark Skin for Youtube™
Makes Youtube go dark-side
Dark Theme for YouTube™
A light, dark theme for YouTube with easy toggle on and off and scheduling support. This theme is based on the default YouTube theme
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