Global Twitch Emotes
Twitch culture wherever you go! This extension replaces all emote phrases with their actual emoticons.
Return your public Address IP
TinEye Reverse Image Search
This is the official TinEye Opera extension. Find out where an image came from, how it's used, or find higher resolution versions.
'Improve YouTube!' (Video & YouTube Tools)
YouTube, tidy + smart? Youtube video youtube player size youtube color ad skip speed volume channel skipper tags playlist hide
SAASPASS Single Sign-On
SAASPASS Single Sign-On extension for SSO login to the most famous public services supporting 2FA with TOTP.
1qvid - Free Video Downloader
Download online video from mainstream websites fast and easily. It’s a free Video Downloader allows to save video and watch it later
Proxy Switcher & Manager
Manage and switch between multiple proxy types (SOCKS, PAC, and Direct) with profile support
Force Download
Nástroj pro vynucení stahování jakéhokoli URL. Navíc sleduje síťové požadavky a zaznamenává poslední vložené video nebo audio média.
Modern, dark mode for Google Docs
Text to Speech (TTS)
A text to speech tool with natural sounding voices.
YouTube™ Downloader Lite
An ultra lite extension to download YouTube videos in popular formats!
Text to Voice
Open sidebar selected text and click in context menu 'Selected text to Speech' to listen
Enable Right Click for Opera™
Rozšíření umožňuje zvýraznit, zkopírovat a vložit text a také otevřít kontextové menu kliknutím pravým tlačítkem na chráněné weby.
Block Site
A customizable, password-protected website blocker and redirector.
Vkontakte Download
Nyan Cat for YouTube™
Nyan Cat Progress Bar for YouTube™! Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan!
VK-Music Video
Twitch Channel Points Bonus Collector
Auto-clicks the Channel Points bonus button when it appears.
QR Code Generator
Generate any QR code anytime, even offline
Page Screenshot
Take a screenshot from the entire website with just one click!
Allow Right-Click
Re-enable the possibility to use the context menu, copy, paste, and text selection on sites that prevent them.
Enable Right Mouse Click
Rozšíření „Povolit pravé tlačítko myši“ vám umožňuje aktivovat odpovídající pravé tlačítko myši na všech webech, které omezují kopírování textu a kontextové nabídky.
Cleaner Pro - Clear Cache & History
Nejlepší způsob, jak vymazat mezipaměť a data procházení Opera!
Volume Booster - Increase sound
Unleash the power of sound on your browser! Increase volume to max level and control the it of any tab.
Скачать музыку vk, mail, ololo,
PopUpOFF - Popup and overlay blocker
Removes and prevents popups, overlays and cookie notifications, other tools do not. Enjoy the original look of the internet.
eLang Translator: Translate text & subtitles
Language learning with Netflix, YouTube, Coursera. eLang smart extension - dual subtitles, personal vocabulary & more
Sidebar Sketch
Sketch anytime on your sidebar, even offline.
Set password for your browser ( Opera lock )
This extension will allow users to set password for the browser to avoid unauthorized access. Prompts for password on opera startup
Youtube Shorts Blocker
Removes the shorts from Youtube
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