Workplace Status
Shows your Workplace status (Messages and Notifications) on a toolbar. No need to keep site open all the time.
Opera Chat. Simple, personal.
Random quote on each new tab.
StackExchange Notifications
Show recent achievements and inbox messages from Stack Exchange
Kids Way Clinic
View and interact with the Kidsway Clinic website directly from your browser.
Github Original Streak
Re-builds former current and longest streaks on Github profiles
webcompat.com reporter
Click to report an incompatible site at webcompat.com, and optionally upload a screenshot.
Pnut Short Link Creator
This extension will create a shortened url link for you.
Acronymify recognizes your acronyms on the web.
본인인증 자동완성 (Auth Autofill)
한국 휴대전화 본인인증 자동완성 브라우저 확장 프로그램
Area of a Triangle
Compute area of triange give base and height of triangle or all three sides of triangle. Also computes side of triangle given others
A search engine made by the people, for the people
BetterMaplewood, a browser extension to make your maplewood experience better
Kodebrikkesjekken protects against fraud and ID theft for Norwegian BankID
Roman Numeral Converter
Convert Arabic numbers to Roman Numeral and vice versa!
AppHR - Интеграция
AppHR integration extension with job search websites (HH.ru, SuperJob.ru, etc.)
Convert Annual Percent Rate to Annual Percent Yield based on various compounding methods ranging from daily to yearly