Acronymify recognizes your acronyms on the web.
BetterMaplewood, a browser extension to make your maplewood experience better
Stone Lotus Tree-caysenda
caysenda Is is all about stone lotus Tree
Hide Activity Details (+ Tweaks) for Trello
Hides activity details on Trello cards. Can now also be set to hide completed checklist items
TrashMail.com: Create disposable address
Create disposable email addresses.
Standard Deviation Calculator
Enter the comma separated values in the box to find standard deviation using standard deviation calculator.
Fuel Calculator - калькулятор расход топлива
Lepšia očkovacia registrácia
Vylepšenie korona.gov.sk (NCZI) očkovacieho formuláru. Pridáva ukladanie vyplneného formuláru.
Period Formed By Double Space
This extension turns double spaces into period and space.
How many Millions in a Billion
Convert among large number like million, billion, trillion and so no...
Kodebrikkesjekken protects against fraud and ID theft for Norwegian BankID
Yaware.TimeTracker Url Monitor
Time Tracker unit for monitoring URL in browsers
Gravatar Research
Click the right button of mouse on the image Gravatar to instantly receive the email address of an owner Gravatar
webcompat.com reporter
Click to report an incompatible site at webcompat.com, and optionally upload a screenshot.
Duo Strength
Adds individual skill strengths back into the duolingo webpage, similar to data on duome.eu
Smart-Nation helper
Расширяет функции обычного журнала.
CPS Tap Counter - Count taps
Track your Spacebar counts with Tap Counter Opera Extension.
Test de Purete
View and interact with the Test de Pureté website directly from your browser.
Opera Chat. Simple, personal.
Enables you to use NianticLab's Wayfarer in the way you want!
Pythagoras Theorem
Calculates sides of right angled triangle using Pythagoras Theorem Calculator. Give two sides, third can be computed using this
Metric Length Converter
Metric Length and Distance Converter to convert among, meter, kilometer, millimeter, centimeter, nanometer and more
RedForester Keeper Extension
RedForester extension to save web page quickly
Совятник | PoziTone-модуль
New features of Sovyatnik: audio summary info notifications, easy player control, listened-to audio summaries list.
Adds an option to right-click menu that downloads the link with put.io.
Highlight interesting links. Hide irrelevant ones. Remove whole websites from search results. Cyberpunk! Updated bookmark experience
Recipe adapter
Adapt online recipes to the number of servings you want.
What day is it?
Show today's day. Simple! Additionally shows calendar to determine day of any other date
The Green Web
Automatically check the sustainability of a website with The Green Web add-on.
Zoiper Click2Dial
Make phone numbers clickable and initiate calls from Zoiper.