Twitter Anonymizer
One-click anonymizer of tweets before sharing a screenshot.
Likers Blocker
block all visible likers or retweeters of a tweet.
GETTR Sidebar
Bring your news feed from the free speech social media platform gettr.com to the Opera sidebar for quick access.
Minecraft Server Info
This extension allows you to see who's online right now on a Minecraft server. Directly from your browser!
Free link shortener goo-gl.me
Crie um URL de análise curto e gratuito com um clique em goo-gl.me. Instale o plug-in de redução de link no seu navegador
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With freetree, online shopping turns into a tree planting campaign - free of charge and with just 1 click!
Tumblr Savior for Opera
Would you like to control what shows up on your dashboard? Tumblr Savior is here to save you!
America BestWings
As self-proclaimed wing experts.
Barriers of communication
Let’s Learn About Communication Barriers And How To Communicate Effectively Without Delay.
Color Changer for Facebook™
Easily choose your desired color for Facebook!
Uncensored Comments, anywhere.
Red Messenger for Youtube
Melhor App para o Youtube. Interface compacta, rapida e similar a App dos smartphones.
Social Disconnect Plus
removes all forms of tracking from social media contents (i.e. Facebook like button).
Old Layout for Facebook
Attempt to Revert Facebook to the Old Layout (pre-Sep 2020)
Followers doctor
We Porivde 100% Orgainc Followers
Юзабилити тест рекордер v2
Расширение позволяет собирать информацию об активности пользователя при прохождении юзабилити тестирования
We share all the Gcash related issues.
Displays your Facebook notifications unread count.
Guide to Creating Animation & editing videos
An Introductory Guide to Creating Animation and Editing Videos.
POI pocket
Create new POI in www.poipocket.com. Select text (address, GPS coordinates...),right click and choose Create POI.
Google™ Plus Notifier
Google™ Plus is a place to connect with friends and family while you browse internet
Unfriend Checker
The easiest FREE way to check who unfriended you on Facebook!
Top Android racing Games
The ultimate guide to best top android racing games
Информер Mamba.ru
Notifies about new messages on Mamba.ru
Home Rank Zone
Home Rank Zone Provides you the best Information related to home products that complete your indoor & outdoor needs.
Glory Education
Glory tutor,a prestigious tutoring center in Hai Phong
Outdoor Ball Pro
Best Outdoor Basketball: Tested reviews of top 11 street basketballs of 2022 & buying guide.
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Free URL's shortener
Desktop Meter by Romir
Cпециальное браузерное расширение для респондентов Consumer Scan Panel
netMeter - Marktest
netMeter – Extensão para participantes no painel InternetPortugal