Number of search results for 'bookmarks': 41
Atavi bookmarks
Visual bookmarks, bookmarks sync across various browsers and absolute safety for your bookmarks
Bookmarks by the Side
Egy egyszerű könyvjelzők sidebar.
Add Bookmark
Add Bookmark to your favorite directory from icon or contextmenu.
My Google Bookmarks
This simple extension adds a link to your Google Bookmarks.
Illegal Services Bookmarks
Create and update Illegal Services indexed websites in a single bookmark.
Icon Only Bookmarks Redux
A Redux of "Icon Only Bookmarks" that hides bookmark name text for a cleaner looking Bookmarks Bar.
This extension pairs with your account allowing you to quickly save bookmarks and add new folders.
Autosort Bookmarks CE
Auto-sorts your bookmarks alphabetically.
Duplicate Bookmarks Finder
Find and delete duplicate bookmarks.
Bookmarks Manager and Viewer
An elegant bookmark manager with fuzzy search and more
Vhumo Bookmark Manager
Vhumo is a Cloud Bookmark Manger. You can organize your favorite websites and access them from any device, wherever you are!
WebCull Bookmark Manager
WebCull is a cloud-based, privacy-focused, ad-free bookmark manager. It boasts an elegant design with a highly sophisticated user interface, specially crafted for the purpose of managing and accessing links fast and effectively.
Search Bookmarks, History and Tabs
Browser extension to (fuzzy) search and navigate bookmarks, history and open tabs.
Pinalist - Bookmark manager
All-in-one bookmark manager
Advanced Bookmark Search
A fast offline search engine for bookmarks that supports searching operators
Simple Bookmark Sidebar
This extension shows your bookmarks in Opera's sidebar.
Import bookmarks to
Bookmarks import from your browser to Atavi bookmark manager
Mini bookmarks for browser with quick access
Allows you to quickly save and edit up to 10 URLS in the quick access window
Lightweight and simple bookmarks
Tabby Opera Extension
Easily add BookMarks to Tabby from Opera!
BookMacster Sync
Empowers BookMacster, Markster, Synkmark to sync bookmarks, sends info on current page, notifies of bookmarks changes
Tabby Extension
Easily add BookMarks to Tabby from your preferred browser!
Highlight interesting links. Hide irrelevant ones. Remove whole websites from search results. Cyberpunk! Updated bookmark experience Antmarks Extension
Manage your favorite web pages
Proper Menubar
Add the best menu bar to get easy and fast access to all your useful browser options and internet products!
BookMacster Button
Provides facitility for landing info on the current page into Sheep Systems' BookMacster or Markster directly
Use the browser extension to safely keep track all your tabs and links in the Side Panel, locally or in the cloud
Shortcuts for Google™
Válasszon a több mint 1000+ Google™ parancsikon közül, amelyek gombként jelennek meg egy helytakarékos előugró ablakban
Web Panel
Navigate to websites in the sidebar.
Simple Context Share
Share to Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and more using the context menu
Pinterest Video Download Guide
Way to find to Save Pinterest Video, Then Our blog will guide you all basic Steps for Saving a Pinterest Video.
G App Launcher (Shortcuts for Google™)
A legjobb hozzáférés a Google™ szolgáltatásokhoz és webhelyekhez
Nem találja amire szüksége van? Tekintse meg a Chrome Web Store.