Number of search results for 'notes': 337
NoMiner - Block Coin Miners
Easily stop coin miners from using your computer resources.
Email Notifier
A lite notifier that works with Gmail™, Yahoo, Live, iCloud, Mail.com, and GMX
Web Panel
Navigate to websites in the sidebar.
A simple popup to undo closed tabs, just that and a bit more.
Library Access
A library-approved tool to unlock access to academic papers.
Open in Tor Browser
Open current page or link in tor browser for better privacy
Google™ Hangout Seen Blocker
Google™ Hangouts Seen Blocker allows you to read your hangouts without notifying the sender.
Weather Forecast
The easiest way to check the weather while you browse internet!
Feedly Notifier Plus
is a smart badged powered toolbar notifier for feedly.com
Reader View
strips away clutter like buttons, background images, and changes the page's text size, contrast and layout for better readability
Enable PiP Mode
Re-enable your Picture in Picture or Video Pop-out function on sites that have explicitly disabled them.
Theater Mode for YouTube™
Forces YouTube to open the player in the theater mode (full-width mode) even if you are logged out
YouTube™ Stop Button
Adds a stop button to the player interface to unload the player and stop the video from buffering any time.
Edit with Paint.Net
Adds a context menu item to send image links directly to Paint.Net photo editor
Sound Adjustment
Easily adjust various sound settings (volume, balance, etc.) via toolbar popup.
Edit with Adobe Photoshop
Adds a context menu item to send image links directly to Adobe Photoshop photo editor
YouTube™ Auto HD-LQ
Play YouTube Videos in the Highest or Lowest Available Quality
Provides control over all flash contents
Canvas Fingerprint Defender
Defending against Canvas fingerprinting by reporting a fake value.
WebGL Fingerprint Defender
Defending against WebGL fingerprinting by reporting a fake value.
Page Edit
Make any webpage into a content editable document and modify it via toolbar popup!
VectorDraw - Paint on Tab
Draw interactive objects (circle, rectangular, polygon) or use the brush tool to write on the current tab and capture the result
Open in Vivaldi
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Vivaldi browser.
Custom Dark Mode
Customize your dark mode for the web!
YouTube™ Repeat Button
Adds a repeat button to the HTML5 player to loop over a single track after 1 second delay
Download with Download Accelerator Plus (DAP)
when activated, interrupts the built-in download manager to direct links to DAP
Emoji Finder
Emoji Finder helps you to generate and copy emojis to any web-page like FaceBook, Twitter, Gmail
Open in Safari
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Safari browser.
Disable Autoplay for YouTube™
Disable YouTube HTML5 player from auto-playing.
Open in Yandex browser
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Yandex browser.
Likers Blocker
block all visible likers or retweeters of a tweet.
Self-Destructing Cookies
Delete cookies when browser is closed or once the tab is closed to prevent tracking
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