Black Menu for Google™
Der einfachste Zugriff auf das Google Universum.
Tab Auto Refresh
Automatically refresh tabs based on custom time intervals
Close & Clean
Close all tabs and windows and clean up Opera in one single click
Open in PDF Viewer
Easily open desired links in a PDF viewer.
Todoist for Opera
Organisiere Arbeit und Leben mit Todoist für Opera
Ad Blocker for Facebook™ App (Video & Images)
Blocks video and image ads from the facebook app news feed. And it actually works
Cache Cleaner
Easily clear browser's cache via toolbar popup.
Tree Tabs
Manage your tabs in the sidebar!
Refresh your browser tab automatically at the desired interval.
Speed-Up Browsing
Speeds up browsing over the time, by adding missing Cache-Control response headers.
Boomerang for Gmail™
Allows you to schedule messages to be sent or returned at a later date.
Classic Tabs
Classic Tabs brings back some of the extra tab options from Opera 12.
Bookmarks Manager and Viewer
An elegant bookmark manager with fuzzy search and more
SponsorBlock Facebook™ - Skip Sponsorships
Removes all annoying sponsored and suggested posts from Facebook™, video without annoying Ads.
Viewer für Online-Dokumente (z.B. PDF, MS Word)
Distill Web Monitor
Überwachen Sie die Internetseite oder den Feed, um von Änderungen zu erfahren. Lassen Sie sich bei Feststellung einer Änderung per SMS oder E-Mail benachrichtigen.
Bookmarks by the Side
Ein einfacher Lesezeichen-Manager für die Sidebar
Web Apps by 123apps
Edit, Convert, Create
Annotating the Web
Add-on, by, to easily add annotation functionality to any webpage
QR Code Reader
a multiple QR- and bar-code scanner that supports scanning from webcam and local images
Video Converter
Convert any video file to selected formats (i.e. mp4) inside your browser!
2FAS - Two factor authentication
2FAS extension is simple, private, and secured: one click, one tap, and your 2FA token is automatically entered!
A quicker way to navigate on streams! [German]
JSON Beautifier
Anzeige von JSON-Objekten durch Umwandlung in in Syntax editierbares, hervorgehobenes HTML
Twitter Video Downloader | Fast and Free
Download Twitter Videos - Speichern Sie alle Twitter-Videos und Gifs mit einem einfachen Klick. Kostenlos, schnell und einfach zu bedienen.
Group Your Tabs
Group opened tabs in a pretty list
Smart RSS
RSS Reader for Opera 15+!
Behalten Sie Kontrolle über die Tab-Reihenfolge
Speed Tweaks
Speed up your browser with few tweaks via toolbar popup!
Jiffy Reader
An extension that allows for Bionic Reading on any webpage!
Date Today
Zeigt den aktuellen Tag und die Uhrzeit.
Magnifying Glass (Hover Zoom)
Press on the toolbar button to see the magnifying glass on the current page.
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