需要 Opera 瀏覽器。
Pixel converter is a tool used in web development and design to convert pixel values into other units of measurement, such as inches, centimeters, or percentages. This conversion is important when designing responsive web layouts and ensuring that web content appears consistently across various devices and screen sizes.
- 下載次數
- 45
- 分類
- Developer Tools
- 版本
- 1.0.0
- 大小
- 39.3 KB
- Last update
- Feb. 19, 2024
- 使用者授權條款
- 隱私權政策
- 提供服務的網站
- https://pixel-converter.com/
- 支援網頁
- https://pixel-converter.com/contact-us
Page Load Time
Displays page load time in the toolbar
評分: 評分的總次數: 1
TestCase Studio Pro
TestCase Studio Pro record the user actions performed on a web application in English Sentences.
評分: 評分的總次數: 0
Web Developer
Adds a toolbar button with various web developer tools. The official port of the Web Developer extension for Firefox.
評分: 評分的總次數: 152
Block Yourself from Analytics
Block your Google Analytics™ activity for the websites you own, no more false stats.
評分: 評分的總次數: 11
Edit with Paint.Net
Adds a context menu item to send image links directly to Paint.Net photo editor
評分: 評分的總次數: 4