需要使用 Opera 浏览器。
Following set of conversions from APR (Annual Percent Rate) is available
1. APY (compounded Yearly)
2. APY (compounded Quarterly)
3. APY (compounded Monthly)
4. APY (compounded Weekly)
5. APY (compounded Daily)
Category: Web App
- 此扩展可访问您在某些网站上的数据。
- 此扩展可访问您的标签和浏览活动。
- This extension can store an unlimited amount of client-side data.
Fire Time Tracker
Track and limit time your activity in the browser every day.
评分: 总评分次数: 2
Atavi bookmarks
评分: 总评分次数: 186
Copy As Plain Text
Easily copy the selected text without formatting to the clipboard via the right-click menu.
评分: 总评分次数: 5
Evernote Web Clipper
评分: 总评分次数: 737
Speed Test
Speed Test Most Accurate Online Broadband Internet Speed Test
评分: 总评分次数: 28