Kailangan ang browser ng Opera.
NoFlash (also named, Flash Block +) controls all Adobe Flash contents (including ads, games, video and music players) in webpages. As you browse, a placeholder frame(s) stating 'Flash Content' appears instead of the actual Flash. Clicking on the frame loads the original content. Moreover, you can white-list any website from toolbar-popup to disable the extension.
Important Features:
1. Allows you to block flash contents (including banners, games, video and music players) in all webpages.
2. Easily switch the extension On or Off from toolbar popup.
3. Add or remove websites to the white-list from toolbar popup.
4. An empty frame appears in place of the actual flash, clicking on the frame will load the flash.
Note: in order to report Bugs, please visit Addon's Homepage (http://mybrowseraddon.com/noflash.html) and fill the bug report form.
- Ma-a-access ng extension na ito ang iyong data sa lahat ng website.
- Ma-a-access ng extension na ito ang aktibidad ng iyong mga tab at pagba-browse.
Mga screenshot
Tungkol sa extension
- Mga download
- 217854
- Kategorya
- Pagkapribado at Seguridad
- Bersyon
- 0.1.9
- Laki
- 104.9 KB
- Last update
- Oct. 25, 2018
- Lisensya
- Copyright 2018 dr34polw
- Pahina ng suporta
- http://mybrowseraddon.com/noflash.html
Server IP
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uBlock Origin
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