Kailangan ang browser ng Opera.
Change Timezone (Time Shift) is an extension that let you easily and quickly change your timezone to the desired value and protect your privacy.
Simply open the addon options page and select a desired timezone from the drop-down list. Once a timezone is selected, adjust the name and value fields if needed. Then reload all tabs for changes to take effect. Please note that this addon takes into account the daylight saving time. If you want to turn off the addon, simply click on the toolbar icon once (the icon color will turn to light grey). By default, the addon is active (the toolbar icon has dark grey color).
To report bugs, please fill out the bug report form on the addon's homepage (https://mybrowseraddon.com/change-timezone.html).
- Ma-a-access ng extension na ito ang iyong data sa lahat ng website.
- Ma-a-access ng extension na ito ang aktibidad ng iyong mga tab at pagba-browse.
Mga screenshot
Tungkol sa extension
- Mga download
- 13556
- Kategorya
- Pagkapribado at Seguridad
- Bersyon
- 0.1.6
- Laki
- 43.2 KB
- Last update
- Dec. 14, 2022
- Lisensya
- Copyright 2022 ilgur1132
- Pahina ng suporta
- https://mybrowseraddon.com/change-timezone.html
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