Число результатов поиска для 'HTML5': 415
Local CDN
Local emulation of Content Delivery Networks
Server IP
Displays server IP address on every website
Search with Wikipedia™
Select and search in Wikipedia with mouse right-click.
Policy Control
Gain complete control over all content settings (cookie, images, javascript, etc.).
Reload All Tabs
Reload all tabs using keyboard shortcut or toolbar button.
Tab Discard (Suspender)
Easily suspend inactive tabs and save up memory for your browser.
2048 Prime
An easy-to-use and lite 2048 game!
Hit the dot
An easy-to-use and lite Hit-the-dot game
Google™ Scholar
Easy access to Google Scholar right from toolbar popup
Cookie Switch ON|OFF
Switch cookies ON or OFF with just one click!
Open Two-Factor Authenticator
Двухфакторный аутентификатор с открытым исходным кодом на основе временного одноразового пароля (TOTP) с безопасным хранением SHA-256
Change Geolocation (location Guard)
Easily change your geographic location (Geolocation) to a desired one and protect your privacy.
Simple Checker for Gmail™
Get badge notification when you receive a new email in your inbox
Gmail™ Panel (and Notifier)
Easy access to Gmail via toolbar-popup UI, plus, get badge notifications.
Window Layout Resizer
Resize the current window into different customizable layouts (Multiple monitors are supported).
YouTube™ All Flash® Player
Switch all YouTube™ Videos to Adobe Flash® Player.
Automatically changes HTTP protocol to HTTPS, and if loading encounters error, reverts it back to HTTP.
Open in Private Mode
Open the active tab in a private window via toolbar button or context-menu.
Download with Wget
when activated, interrupts the built-in download manager to direct links to Wget
Простой менеджер расширений для быстрого включения, выключения и доступа к настройкам.
Magic Squares
An easy-to-use and lite Magic Squares game
Open in PDF Reader
Send PDF links directly to your favorite PDF viewer like Adobe Acrobat Reader
Open in Google™ Translate
Open Selection in Google Translate.
Copy As Plain Text
Easily copy the selected text without formatting to the clipboard via the right-click menu.
Change Timezone (Time Shift)
Easily change your timezone to a desired value and protect your privacy.
Night Mode Pro
Switch to night mode and the display is much easier on your eyes!
Enable Backspace
Enable backspace navigation with just one click!
Dark Mode
A global dark theme for the web
Web Archive Viewer
Easily view archived (cached) webpages via seven different engines.
Download with Free Download Manager (FDM)
when activated, interrupts the built-in download manager to direct links to FDM
Media Converter and Muxer
Easy to use video and audio converter and muxer based on FFmpeg multimedia command-line tool.
Ambient light for YouTube™
Immerse yourself in YouTube™ videos with ambient light!
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