Число результатов поиска для 'HTML5': 415
Screenshot Web Element
Full page screen capture, capture visible content of a tab, full screen, download in different formats.
YouLoop for YouTube
Repeat video/audio endless on YouTube. Furthermore a partition loop function is enable.
PNG Optimizer
Optimize PNG images and reduce the file size right in your browser!
Website Theme Manager
Change your desired website's look! Choose your style from userstyles.org or write your own!
Download all Images
Easily save images with a wide range of customization features, such as file size, dimensions, and image type.
All Image Download. Image Zoom. Expand Thumbnail and Audio and Video. Expand the short URL. Override Referer. Extend BBS. etc...
KeePassHelper Password Manager
Helper extension for KeePass to find and insert logins and passwords without copying them
Privacy Settings
Alter the browser's built-in privacy settings in a toolbar popup
Piano Prime
An easy-to-use and lite piano app for your browser.
Custom Page Zoom
Easily set a custom zoom level for each website (or all websites)
Sidebar for Google™ Translate
Easy Access to Google Translate via Sidebar UI
User-Agent Switcher
Quickly and easily switch between popular user-agent strings.
Magic Actions for YouTube™
Enhance your YouTube watching experience! Cinema Mode, Mouse Wheel Volume Control, AutoHD, Expand, Snapshots …
Onion Browser Button
Easily browse the internet using TOR proxy with just one click!
Block Site
A customizable, password-protected website blocker and redirector.
Webmaster menu
Добавляет в контекстное меню браузера новые пункты открывающие различные анализы просматриваемых веб-страниц и сайтов.
Website scripting
Разработчики могут добавлять коды javascript на веб-страницу. Нравится настраивать другие веб-сайты с помощью наших собственных кодов.
Quick QR Code Generator
A super handy QR Code Generator / Creator for you.
Image Downloader
Using image downloader, locate and download all of the images on a website.
WebMoney Advisor Next
Отзывы интернет-пользователей о сайтах
Volume Control for Bandcamp Player
It's a volume control for Bandcamp audio player. The extension adds another slider (somewhere around the one that controls the track progress) to control the volume.
Sitemap Explorer: Check and View XML Sitemaps
Это расширение помогает найти, проверить, экспортировать и отобразить файлы XML Sitemaps любого сайта, который вы посещаете в браузере.
Aurora Player
Open the current video in the Aurora Player app for stunning glow effects.
Proxy Switcher & Manager
Manage and switch between multiple proxy types (SOCKS, PAC, and Direct) with profile support
User-Agent Switcher
Spoofs User-Agent strings of your browser with a new one globally, randomly or per hostname
Adblock Potty — best ad blocker
Potty Ad blocker - ad blocker software for Super Fast Use browser.
Temperature Converter
Convert among Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Rankine & Reamur. Create direct link to any of your conversions
Direct Currency Converter
Converts prices from any currency (€, $, £, ¥, ؋, ৳, ฿, ៛, ₡, etc.) to prices in a selectable currency automatically while browsing.
Aliexpress Shopping Assistant
AliPrice.com -- Ваш экономичный помощник на Aliexpress, Gearbest, Banggood,JD и Lazada.
Fuel Calculator - калькулятор расход топлива
Калькулятор топлива, расход на 1/10/100 км, на сколько хватит 1/10/100 л, расход бензина на 100 км, объём бака машины
Open in MS Edge™ Browser
Отправьте ссылку текущей страницы или все вкладки в браузер Microsoft Edge или определите дополнительные правила открытия левой кнопкой мыши.
The all-in-one search tool: select and search. Find on multiple websites at once. Easy anonymous setup. Cross-browser sync.
Не нашли, что искали? Проверьте здесь: Chrome Web Store