Encode Decode HTML
Encode HTML to show it in the HTML pages a code instead of rendered HTML. Decode HTML to convert it back to HTML code
Encode Decode Base64
Converts from ASCII or Unicode to Base64 by encoding the text and back from Base64 to ASCII or Unicode by decoding it
Search Engine Result Counter
Adds a counter to search Engine Results to see the rank and to clearly distinguish results from adds. Supports Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Startpage, Yahoo and Yandex
Character Count
Count the letters in the text. Also provide information related to number of non-whitespace characters, words and lines
Visually appealing simple calculator! can be used with mouse or keyboard
Area of a Triangle
Compute area of triange give base and height of triangle or all three sides of triangle. Also computes side of triangle given others
Area of a Circle
Calculate area of a circle given any of the following, radius, diameter or circumference and vice versa
YouTube Lyrics by Rob W
Instant lyrics on YouTube, Spotify and other sites in a flexible panel. 40+ sources ensure that lyrics are always found
Convert Annual Percent Rate to Annual Percent Yield based on various compounding methods ranging from daily to yearly
Angle Conversion
Convert among measure of angle viz., degree, radian, mil, grad, minute, second, point, circle etc.
Provide quick sorting by date option on YouTube search page.
TinEye Reverse Image Search
This is the official TinEye Opera extension. Find out where an image came from, how it's used, or find higher resolution versions.
Kubana Bar
Официальное расширение фестиваля Kubana
Cashback IT-Bestshopping
LinguaLeo Translator
A leading language learning platform that makes learning fun - LinguaLeo.com.
modern scroll
Поднимает возможности прокрутки на совершенно новый уровень
Free Mobile Auto Login
Net Radio
Play drums!
Play drums on your keyboard (letters only)
Right Click Validator
Right click on any webpage to validate it using the W3 NUValidator service.
DuckDuckGo for Opera
Простая защита конфиденциальности, интегрированная в браузер.
Reverse Image Search
Adds a context menu item to search for similar images
MyShows Links Adder
Adding search links on http://myshows.me/profile/
Reddit Enhancement Suite
A suite of modules that enhance your Reddit browsing experience
Kursy walut NBP
Currencies based on Polish National Bank current average exchange rates of foreign currencies.
Akari URL Shortener
Akari will reduce the presence of your URL. Uses waa.ai API to generate short URLs.
Makes list and tables sortable (on geocaching.com)
Seesu Music
Музыкальные поиск, проигрыватель и знакомства. Технологии last.fm и др. сервисов
Ambient Aurea
Instantly craft stunning photo galleries with ambient lighting effects in a single click.
Рейтинг Кинопоиска для телепрограммы
Добавляет рейтинг фильмов Кинопоиска на страницы телепрограмм