History Eraser
Deletes typed URLs, Cache, Cookies, your Download and Browsing History...instantly, with just 1-click on the Eraser button!
Zoom Slider
Adjust zoom and get instant feedback about zoom level
Capture Webpage Screenshot - FireShot
Capture imagens completas da página da web. Capture, edite e salve-as em PDF/JPEG/GIF/PNG, envie, imprima, encaminhe para OneNote, área de transferência ou e-mail.
Wrona History Menu
Restore, filter or remove recently closed tabs, windows and history including those from other devices.
Opera Coupons
Never look for discount codes again - We do it for you :)
Uma carteira de Ethereum no seu navegador
Random password generator
A simple random password generator for Opera browser
Free Games
Play Free Games Online on your Browser! They are indie games from all over the world!
Tab Reloader
An easy-to-use tab reloader with custom reloading time for individual tabs and more!
Reader View
strips away clutter like buttons, background images, and changes the page's text size, contrast and layout for better readability
Screen Recorder
Record your computer's screen with just one click!
Popup Blocker (strict)
Bloquear estritamente todos os pedidos de pop-up de qualquer site
Date Today
Mostra as horas e o dia actual.
Мои сообщения
Notifies about new messages in social networks and new e-mails
Gismeteo Weather Forecast. Real time weather and detailed forecast all round the world
YouTube™ All Flash® Player
Switch all YouTube™ Videos to Adobe Flash® Player.
Ne rate plus aucun live ni aucune vidéo avec la Master Extension !
Colorea tu Facebook
Ponle color a tu facebook,aqui tienes disponible miles de plantillas para que puedas cambiar el diseño de tu facebook
Import bookmarks to Atavi.com
Os favoritos são importados do seu navegador para o gerenciador de favoritos Atavi
Avira Safe Shopping
Compras seguras e privadas
Mate Translate
Seu tradutor multifuncional para páginas da web, texto destacado e legendas da Netflix. Traduza e aprenda palavras em 103 línguas.
Automatically find coupon codes and special offers while shopping online!
Reddit Enhancement Suite
A suite of modules that enhance your Reddit browsing experience
Todoist for Opera
Organize trabalho e vida pessoal com Todoist para Opera
History On/Off
Control your browsing history. Disable and enable history recording when you decide.
Font Finder
Um inspector de fontes fácil de usar para obter os estilos CSS do elemento seleccionado
Note Sidebar
Simple note sidebar which can be used to write a note, record thoughts, to-do list, meeting notes, etc.
Changes soundcloud.com to a dark theme.
Lhe protege de rastreamento feito usando centrais de disponibilização de conteúdo "gratuitas".
Speed Tweaks
Speed up your browser with few tweaks via toolbar popup!
Aponte e clique para bloquear/permitir quaisquer solicitação do seu navegador. Bloqueie scripts, iframes, anúncios, facebook etc.
Window Layout Resizer
Resize the current window into different customizable layouts (Multiple monitors are supported).
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