Liczba wyników wyszukiwania dla „you tube downloader”: 1582
YouTube Chapters In Player
Shows YouTube chapters right in the player
Control Center for YouTube
YouTube popup pause and resume as well as no buffer, HD quality, wide screen, ...
Auto Replay for YouTube™
Automatically repeats your favourite YouTube video.
Dark Theme for YouTube™
A Dark and Smooth Theme for YouTube
Ambient light for YouTube™
Immerse yourself in YouTube™ videos with ambient light!
Theater Mode for YouTube™
Forces YouTube to open the player in the theater mode (full-width mode) even if you are logged out
Nyan Cat for YouTube™
Nyan Cat Progress Bar for YouTube™! Nyan nyan nyan nyan nyan!
Flash Player for YouTube™
Watch YouTube Videos Only in Adobe Flash Player
Audio Only for YouTube™
Listen to audio (no video) in YouTube and all embedded videos.
Dark Theme for YouTube™
A light, dark theme for YouTube with easy toggle on and off and scheduling support. This theme is based on the default YouTube theme
Disable Autoplay for YouTube™
Disable YouTube HTML5 player from auto-playing.
SkipClick for YouTube™
No need to watch boring ads on YouTube, they will be Skip Ads automatically
AdBlocker for YouTube™
Removes all annoying ads and banners from YouTube!
Magic Actions for YouTube™
Enhance your YouTube watching experience! Cinema Mode, Mouse Wheel Volume Control, AutoHD, Expand, Snapshots …
Image Downloader
Using image downloader, locate and download all of the images on a website.
IG Downloader - Instagram Downloader
IG Downloader is a free Instagram Downloader tool that lets you download Instagram video, photos, and reels.
Synology Download Station
Zarządzaj pobieraniem plików Synology DiskStation w twojej przeglądarce.
YouTube™ auto Pause and Resume
Pause YouTube player when page is hidden and resume when it is active again!
Permanent Progress Bar for YouTube
Display tiny progress bar on YouTbue player even in the fullscreen mode
YouTube™ All Flash® Player
Switch all YouTube™ Videos to Adobe Flash® Player.
YouTube Lyrics by Rob W
Instant lyrics on YouTube, Spotify and other sites in a flexible panel. 40+ sources ensure that lyrics are always found
YouTube Like-Dislike Shortcut
Shift+Plus or Numpad Plus to like, Shift+Minus or Numpad Minus to dislike. Can't get any simpler.
Auto Pause|Stop for YouTube™
Automatically pause or stop YouTube videos from playing
Тема для YouTube - Темный карбон
Для любителей темных тем оформления Scrobbler for YouTube
Scrobbling YouTube music videos to
YouTube™ use Flash Player
Force YouTube to use Flash player over the HTML5 player
YouTube™ Auto HD-LQ
Play YouTube Videos in the Highest or Lowest Available Quality
Provide quick sorting by date option on YouTube search page.
Toolbar Control for YouTube Music
Control YouTube Music player from your browser toolbar area
YouTube™ Stop AutoPlay Next
Stop YouTube from playing the next track, and auto navigate to the next suggestion (aka disable autoplay button)
YouTube™ All HTML5 Player
Switch All YouTube™ Videos to HTML5 Player
YouTube to MP3 Button
Free YouTube to MP3 Button allows you to save music in Mp3 just in 1 click
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