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Te rozszerzenia i tapety stworzono dla przeglądarki Opera.

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Ikona pakietu IP Geolocation Lookup

IP Geolocation Lookup

4.1 / 5
  • Twoja ocena
Całkowita liczba ocen: 2

Polityka prywatności

Requests sent in the application are processed on the side of our API server.

We do not track or analyse your access or use of our application in any manner.

No cookies are placed on your computer during your use of this application.

To protect and rate-limit the application we store the network IP address of your client in memory (RAM) for up to 1 month.

We do not store or collect any other data about you.

Zobacz pełny tekst polityki prywatności.

Powrót do szczegółów IP Geolocation Lookup