Number of search results for 'com': 695
StackExchange Notifications
Show recent achievements and inbox messages from Stack Exchange
Github Original Streak
Re-builds former current and longest streaks on Github profiles
Flexi eBooks Pulse
Get the ranking of the best selling books for this week.
Tumblr Savior for Opera
Would you like to control what shows up on your dashboard? Tumblr Savior is here to save you!
Purity Text Changer
Customize per-script Text changer.
Our main purpose is to publish recent news from the world of cryptocurrency and digital assests.
TweetRight +
Share web pages, selected text, links and images on Twitter by right click.
Sun Calculator
sunlight phases, sunrise, sunset, dusk and dawn times calculator
Soundbar Mag
The Soundbar Mag is a Largest Platform of the Free Soundbar Buying Guides, Product Reviews, Troubleshooting’s & Easy Connectivity Guides..
Easy Tab Manager
Advance tab and Window management tool.
Just Zcash Ticker PRO
Zcash Price at a glance
URL Shortcut
Allows users to create shortcuts that, when entered into the URL bar, will redirect them to the preset page.
Textbox Auto Resizer
Automatically resizes input fields and textareas while you're typing
Adds a button to the top-left of every page to return to the website from which that page was linked.
Archery Pick
A hub of Archery Sports. You can find the honest review about the Archery from our professional Sportsman.
Naats Sharif
Naat refers to poetry in praise of the Prophet Muhammad SAWW (Last Prophet).Dowload or listen your favourite naat online.
Digestley is the center for news, tech, business, entertainment, sports, travel, with authentic contents contributed by us.
YouTube Chapters In Player
Shows YouTube chapters right in the player
Material Design for Rizzoma
A fresh coat of paint for Rizzoma, inspired by Material Design.
MODX Queeg
Tiny extension that provides a one click access to MODX Resources from a website to its manager.
Simple, lightweight infinite scrolling for reddit
Just Bitcoin Ticker PRO
Bitcoin Price at a glance
Slim Scroll bar
Modern & slim looks for browser scroll bars!
KeePassHelper Password Manager
Helper extension for KeePass to find and insert logins and passwords without copying them
Gismeteo weather forecast in speed-dial
Gismeteo weather forecast in speed-dial. Real time weather and detailed forecast all round the world
GzLegends Clean Tournaments
Players using this extension prove their clean play on tournaments ,by changing the game default table color used by cheaters.
Youtube Subscriptions Transfer
Transferring subscriptions from one YouTube account to another YouTube Subscriptions Transfer is a browser extension that allows you to transfer or move subscriptions from one account to another using XPath or API. The extension collects a list of channels and enables you to subscribe or unsubscribe to each channel. It interacts with the DOM using xpath and YouTube Data API v3.
Alura Auto
Extensão de navegador para automatizar e facilitar assistir as aulas na plataforma Alura Cursos
Dark Skin for Youtube™
Makes Youtube go dark-side
Dark Theme for Google™
A highly customizable dark theme for Google products (search, images, translate, and contacts)
Disable Page Visibility API
Prevent websites from tracking whether you are currently in another tab/ window.
An extension to help you trim your garden of tabs.
Finner du ikke det du trenger? Se kobling Chrome Web Store.