Krever Opera-nettleseren.
If you have for some purposes many accounts in Vkontakte or other social network and got bored using multiple browsers or loggin in/out between accounts, this extension is for you! Locate all your accouts in one browser and switch between them in an easiest way.
Now works in Opera!
Work in different accounts simultaneously (in different browser tabs).
Quick Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter,, Odnoklassniki and Google profiles switching
Customizable hotkeys, working in almost all browser pages
Profiles ordering
Import/export profiles
Vk group
Bug tracker
- Denne utvidelsen har tilgang til dataene dine på alle nettsteder.
- Denne utvidelsen har tilgang til dataene dine på enkelte nettsteder.
- Denne utvidelsen har tilgang til fanene og nettleseraktiviteten din.
Om utvidelsen
- Nedlastinger
- 31 896
- Kategori
- Sosialt
- Versjon
- 2.1.3
- Størrelse
- 111,2 KB
- Last update
- 17. juni 2014
- Lisens
- Copyright 2014 uzer2008
- Side for brukerstøtte
PeerName: Surf Blockchain-Based Domains
Enables the resolving of Dot-BIT domains by Namecoin; .emc, .coin, .lib and .bazar domains by EmerCoin. Redirecting of NXT aliases.
Vurdering: Totalt antall vurderinger: 13
Галерея поздравлений (открытки и музыка)
Vurdering: Totalt antall vurderinger: 17
Social Fixer for Facebook
Social Fixer for Facebook lets you filter your news feed, hide things you don't want to see, and more!
Vurdering: Totalt antall vurderinger: 150
Shareaholic for Pinterest
Pin images from any website to Pinterest. See the official Pinterest pin count for any link.
Vurdering: Totalt antall vurderinger: 33
IDE`a URL Shortener
Instantly shrink lengthy web addresses into compact, shareable links with this sleek and efficient URL shortener.
Vurdering: Totalt antall vurderinger: 0