Krever Opera-nettleseren.
Slope calculator is a helpful resource to find the slope of a line with a single click with steps. The graph of the slope will also be given with the result.
Om utvidelsen
- Nedlastinger
- 271
- Kategori
- Produktivitet
- Versjon
- 1.0.0
- Størrelse
- 139,3 KB
- Last update
- 2. januar 2023
- Lisens
- Retningslinjer for personvern
- Nettside for tjeneste
- Side for brukerstøtte
Set password for your browser ( Opera lock )
This extension will allow users to set password for the browser to avoid unauthorized access. Prompts for password on opera startup
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Atavi bookmarks
Visual bookmarks, bookmarks sync across various browsers and absolute safety for your bookmarks
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Evernote Web Clipper
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Macbook Air User Guide
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