확장 기능
개발자 'carlosjeurissen'에 대한 검색 결과 수: 10
G App Launcher (Shortcuts for Google™)
Google™ 서비스 및 웹사이트로 접근하는 최고의 방법
Black Menu for Google™
Google 유니버스에 대한 가장 쉬운 액세스
Black Menu for Wikipedia
Easy access to the Wikipedia universe
Shortcuts for Google™
Choose from 1000+ Google™ shortcuts to show up as buttons in a space-saving popup
Ink for Google™
Get your favourite Google sites a new coat of paint. Update their look with Material Design
Category Tabs for Google Keep™
Better organise your Google Keep notes
Simple Context Share
Share to Facebook, Twitter, Gmail and more using the context menu
View Page Source
Get access to the page source with the click of a button.
Reopen in Private
Reopen the current tab into a private window
Add to TipMine
Add anything to TipMine
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