Opera 브라우저가 필요합니다.
Polyglot Wikipedia lets you navigate easily between articles in languages of your choice. Select them on the preferences page and choose your options. It can display hyperlinked titles of the current article in all available languages. It can also highlight your languages and move them to the top of the list in the sidebar for quick access.
Supports other Wikimedia projects listed on http://www.wikimedia.org/
This extension is based on Multi-Language Wikipedia Titles by Øyvind Rønningstad and Wikipedia+ Language Bubble by damncandy – extensions for Presto-based Opera.
Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. This is not an official extension and the author is by no means related to the aforementioned foundation.
- 이 확장 기능은 일부 웹 사이트의 데이터에 액세스할 수 있습니다.
확장 기능 정보
- 다운로드 횟수
- 12,724
- 범주
- 생산성
- 버전
- 1.31
- 크기
- 17.5 KB
- 최종 업데이트 일
- 2023년 10월 30일
- 라이선스
- Copyright 2023 Saskatchewan
- 지원 페이지
- https://forums.opera.com/topic/39618/polyglot-wikipedia
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