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Qui trovi le estensioni e gli sfondi realizzati per il browser Opera.

Scarica il browser Opera con:

  • Blocco integrato della pubblicità
  • risparmio batteria
  • VPN gratuita

Qui trovi le estensioni e gli sfondi realizzati per il browser Opera.

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Icona per VKontakte


4,4 / 5
Total number of in-browser ratings: 406

VKontakte in Opera’s sidebar

VK Messenger, for the popular Russian social networking service, enables both public and private messaging. Users can communicate with friends and colleagues, send voice messages, and share photos and documents. This can now be done within your Opera browser, without switching apps.

Pin your chats

Keep your messenger at hand by pinning them with the pin icon. Thanks to this feature, you can carry on chatting while browsing the web.

More about VKontakte
