AI Detector for ChatGPT & more - Winston AI
készítő: 6c51cf09-1b92-4912-b723-19eddb2a2bf9
Opera böngésző szükséges.
Your go-to AI detector is now accessible on the move!
Winston AI empowers you with precise detection capabilities, enabling you to discern whether content has been crated by ChatGPT or any other prevalent AI writing tools. Our AI content checker, embraced by hundreds of thousands of users globally, is the preferred choice for major publishers and educational institutions.
Seamlessly integrate our solution into your workflow with our Opera addon. Effortlessly scan any text for AI-generated content directly within webpages by simply highlighting and right-clicking the text. For enhanced privacy, rest assured that scans conducted via the Opera addon are not stored.
Key Features of Winston AI include:
💡Unparalleled precision in AI content detection (99.98% accuracy)
💡Capability to recognize AI writing from all renowned AI writing tools, including ChatGPT
💡Direct content scanning on web pages
💡Multilingual support for English, French, Spanish, and German, Portuguese and Dutch with additional languages on the horizon.
Getting Started:
✅ Click the “Add to Opera” button to integrate the Opera extension.
✅ Register for a complimentary account on Winston AI ( – no credit card necessary.
✅ Access the extension toolbar and click on the Winston AI logo (blue "W" on a white circle).
✅ Press the "Login" button. If you're not already logged into the website, you will be prompted to sign in.
✅ To check your available credits, click again on the Winston AI logo.
✅ On any website, highlight the content you wish to analyze (minimum of 600 characters) and right-click.
✅ Select “scan for AI content”. Note that each word scanned will consume one credit.
✅ Your analysis and score will appear at the bottom right of your browser.
- Ez a kiegészítő hozzáfér az adatához az összes webhelyen.
A kiegészítőről
- Letöltések
- 1 039
- Kategória
- Produktivitás
- Verzió
- Méret
- 97,7 KB
- Last update
- 2024. január 29.
- Licenc
- Adatvédelmi leírás
- Szolgáltatói webhely
- Támogatási lap
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