Feumar brabhsair Opera.
Improve your video watching experience. Hide unnecessary elements on the page or within the player with this easy-to-use extension.
With this extension now you can:
- hide 'Share', 'Info', 'Watch more' buttons,
- hide 'More videos' panel
- make the title smaller,
- enable full-screen mode on pages without this option.
On YouTube page you can:
- hide up next panel and comments,
- disable autoplay,
- disable chat.
...and more.
- Gheibh an leudachadh seo cothrom air do chuid dàta air gach làrach-lìn.
- Gheibh an leudachadh seo cothrom air do chuid dàta air cuid a làraichean-lìn.
- Gheibh an leudachadh seo cothrom air na tabaichean agad is na bhrabhsaicheas tu.
Mun leudachan
Image Autosizer
Customize how images are displayed and controlled within your browser.
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Googley Styles for Rizzoma
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Beautiful Hieroglyphs
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