Feumar brabhsair Opera.
Convenient link shortener, click on the extension to shorten the current page. Free and no registration required. After shortening, you will have access to the short address of your link and a QR code. To view the history you must have an account on the site.
- Gheibh an leudachadh seo cothrom air do chuid dàta air cuid a làraichean-lìn.
- This extension can create rich notifications and display them to you in the system tray.
Mun leudachan
- Na chaidh a luchdadh a-nuas
- 543
- Roinn-seòrsa
- Sòisealta
- Tionndadh
- 0.2
- Meud
- 104.5 KB
- Last update
- 22 An Lùnastal 2022
- Ceadachas
- Poileasaidh Prìobhaideachd
- Làrach-lìn seirbheise
- https://coge.la/report
- Duilleag na taice
- https://coge.la/contact
Tip Calculator
Calcuate tip by percent of amount, split it among people or calculate tip precent given final amount
Rangachadh: Rangachaidhean uile gu lèir: 1
Social Fixer for Facebook
Social Fixer for Facebook lets you filter your news feed, hide things you don't want to see, and more!
Rangachadh: Rangachaidhean uile gu lèir: 150
Google™ Plus Notifier
Google™ Plus is a place to connect with friends and family while you browse internet
Rangachadh: Rangachaidhean uile gu lèir: 3
Chat and Meet for Hangouts
Access to Hangouts Chat and Hangouts Meet in a single App. Minimalistic and easy to use interface. All features available.
Rangachadh: Rangachaidhean uile gu lèir: 15
XSSL URL Shortener
Create secure short links on any website with a few clicks. Supported languages: English, German
Rangachadh: Rangachaidhean uile gu lèir: 0