Opera blêder is fereaske.
Sitecore Extensions stands for Google Chrome extension for Sitecore CMS. This great toolkit will make your live much easier. Productivity growth guaranteed
- Database Color - Depending on your current database Sitecore header will change its color. The main goal of this module is to warn you and prevent from the editing of web database content when it is not you explicit intention.
- Database Name - Current database name will be displayed in the Sitecore header.
- Field Search - Quickly find a field or section in the Content view in Content Editor.
- Restore Last Location - Command which restores last opened item in Content Editor. Forget this feeling when you come back from your lunch and suddenly opened a tab with CE changes to a login screen.
- Launcher - With Launcher you can easily navigate to various locations. Launcher is available always in Sitecore context.
- Section Switches - Easily open/close all item sections with just one click
- Treelist Field - This is a small improvement for Sitecore TreeList field.
- Field Inspector - Inspect real field name right from the item, without navigating through template structure. Additionally you can navigate to field item by clicking [Go to field] button.
- Toggle Ribbon - Experience Accelerator Ribbon Toggle is a small button which allows you to hide the whole ribbon while working in Experience Editor.
- Database Selector - Change your current database in the background by invoking change database command Alternatively hold CTRL key while executing a command to open a current location in a different database.
- Go To Datasource - With this extension, you can navigate to a data source item. It supports following field types: DropLink, Name Lookup Value List, TreeList, MultiList
- Tree Scope - Scope tree is an additional popup button which scopes the tree to the currently selected item. If you no longer need scoping view and want to see the whole tree back again you can simply click Descope button
- Tree Auto Expand - This module should save few clicks that you need to perform while using Content Editor tree. It will automatically expand tree structure if there is only one child under the expanded item.
- Dizze tafoeging kin tagong ha ta jo gegevens op alle websteeën.
- Dizze tafoeging kin tagong ha ta jo ljeppers en aktiviteit fan blêdzjen.
Oer de tafoeging
- Ynladen
- 3633
- Kategory
- Developer Tools
- Ferzje
- 3.1.1
- Grutte
- 282.5 KB
- Last update
- Dec. 13, 2016
- Lisinsje
- Stipe side
- https://alan-null.github.io
- Boarne koade side
- https://github.com/alan-null/sc_ext
View Page Source
Get access to the page source with the click of a button.
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 4
Strike Out Nofollow Links
Just strikes out nofollow links via CSS3 selectors.
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 2
Web Developer
Adds a toolbar button with various web developer tools. The official port of the Web Developer extension for Firefox.
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 152
WebMoney Advisor Next
Internet users feedback about the sites
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 14
Cookie Editor
Edit cookies related to the current page and all its sub-frames right from a popup
Wurdearring: Totale tal wurdearrings: 9