Purple Of YouTube™
Shades of Purple YouTube theme that's easy on the eyes.
Server IP
Displays server IP address on every website
Hide Tabs (Panic Button)
Easily hide and restore all open tabs with the click of a button!
JavaScript Restrictor
Extension for increasing security and privacy level of the user.
Ninja Cookie
Opt out of non-essential cookies and automatically remove cookie popups.
Privacy Protector Plus
removes all forms of tracking including web-bugs, tracking-scripts and information-collectors, and protects your personal data.
This add-on blocks websites spreading the propaganda of the "Nemzeti Együttműködés Rendszere" (N.E.R.).
Block Image|Video
Easily block all images & videos within a website!
Change Timezone (Time Shift)
Easily change your timezone to a desired value and protect your privacy.
WebAPI Blocker
Easily block (nullify) undesired Web API(s) and improve your privacy.
Security Plus
Provides free checking of urls for viruses. It uses up to 64 different antivirus products and scan engines to check for viruses
Switch between no proxy and Tor , blocks some common attacks and trackers and more !
Erases annoying elements.
Stealthy allows you to see blocked websites from a click of a button.
Flash Blocker Strict
Strictly block all Flash contents from loading (supports whitelisting)
History Cleaner for Opera
immediately deletes the history of the Opera browser as it launches. You can also plan to periodically delete your Opera history.
PasswordBox - Free Password Vault
Gestor gratuito de contraseñas para Opera - Nunca más te olvidarás de una contraseña
Disable Page Visibility API
Prevent websites from tracking whether you are currently in another tab/ window.
Minimal Consent
Minimal Consent automáticamente acepta las cookies que realmente son necesarias, efectivamente bloqueando esos molestos banners de consentimiento de cookies.
Adblocker for Facebook™ (sponsored posts)
A super fast sponsored posts removal tool for Facebook™
Show Password
Show passwords as you type.
Local CDN
Local emulation of Content Delivery Networks
Self-Destructing Cookies
Delete cookies when browser is closed or once the tab is closed to prevent tracking
Security Tweaks
Improve your security and browse safer with seven tweaks.
Password Generator
The K+ Password Generator to go!
STOP-IT V2 Ultimate Adult Content Blocker Extension. Safe and Easy Surfing.
Cookie Editor Pro
An effective and user-friendly Cookie Editor Pro.
IDN Safe
IDN Safe is a browser extension which blocks internationalized domain names to prevent you from visiting probable fake sites.
Show my Password
a basic add-on to show all your passwords in web pages
Audite posibles fugas de privacidad en sitios web
What is My IP Address
View your public ip address via toolbar popup.
This extension blocks cryptocurrency mining scripts and protects you from such websites.