Edit the Page
Toggles the 'Design Mode' so that you can edit the contents of the page.
Design Mode
Edite el contenido de cualquier página cambiando al modo de diseño, donde puede modificar el contenido y arrastrar las imágenes como si fuera un editor de Word
Keep awake which prevents the OS from automatically going to sleep, dimming the screen or starting screen savers
NsLookup - Find DNS Records
A simple and powerful tool for querying DNS records
Edit with Adobe Photoshop
Adds a context menu item to send image links directly to Adobe Photoshop photo editor
Wayback machine website
Online service that have 452 billion web pages saved over time and who is domain tool in context menu
Copy Title And Url
Copy the title and url in markdown, pukiwiki, html format.
View Page Source
Get access to the page source with the click of a button.
This extension shows information about HTML elements on a web page when you hover over them.
Edit with Paint.Net
Adds a context menu item to send image links directly to Paint.Net photo editor
Open in Vivaldi
Open current page, link, or all tabs in the Vivaldi browser.
Modify Header Value
Add, modify or remove a header for any request on desired domains.
JavaScript QR Code
Make QR Codes in JavaScript
Selenium Page Object Generator
A nimble and flexible Selenium Page Object Model generator to improve agile testing process velocity.
PageSpeed Insights
This will take the URL of the current tab and send it to PageSpeed Insights for a web performance analysis.
Edit with Sublime Text
Live editing text and HTML content of the page with the Sublime Text from the page context or DevTools.
Rabbit URL Opener
Rabbit URL Opener (Rahul Digital) - Bulk URL's Opener Extension just lets you open multiple URLs at once. More about Rabbit URL Opener http://rahuldigital.org/url-opener/ http://rahuldigital.com/url-opener/
Right Click Validator
Right click on any webpage to validate it using the W3 NUValidator service.
.no { CSS }
Opera 12 reminiscent Shift-G CSS zapper (use Alt-G)
Gridify - Keyboard Link Selector
Seleccione cualquier enlace, imagen, cuadro de entrada o una región seleccionable en la página actual sin utilizar el ratón, sólo con unas pocas pulsaciones del teclado
Добавление пользовательских стилей CSS на веб-сайты
Tabby Extension
Easily add BookMarks to Tabby from your preferred browser!
CSS3 Button Maker
Is CSS button code generator free easy tool that allows you create beautiful and elegant CSS web buttons in few clicks
Open in GIMP photo editor
Adds context menu items to send image links and image files directly to the GIMP photo editor
AMP Validator
Automatically checks each page for AMP validation.
Piral Inspector
The official Piral developer tools browser extension.
HypeStat Analyzer
Check any website's traffic
Page Load Time
Displays page load time in the toolbar
Block Yourself from Analytics
Block your Google Analytics™ activity for the websites you own, no more false stats.
Bug Magnet
Bug Magnet
Check Wordpress Version
WordPress Vulnerability Scanner - Scan for vulnerabilities, version, themes, plugins and much more!
Extension Auditor
Extension Auditor is a Opera browser extension that helps users understand and evaluate the security implications of their installed browser extensions. It provides real-time security analysis and risk assessment of extensions based on their permissions, capabilities, and potential security impacts.