Number of search results for 'facebook blocker': 141
Facebook Messenger
Built-in Facebook Messenger integration for instant messaging and group chats.
Built-in Whatsapp integration for instant messaging and group chats.
AdBlocker for Facebook™
Block all ads on Facebook!
Ad Blocker for Facebook™ App (Video & Images)
Blocks video and image ads from the facebook app news feed. And it actually works
SponsorBlock Facebook™ - Skip Sponsorships
Removes all annoying sponsored and suggested posts from Facebook™, video without annoying Ads.
AdBlocker Ultimate
Free and improved AdBlocker. Completely remove ALL ads. No "acceptable" ads or whitelisted advertisers, block tracking and malware!
Game Of thrones Spoil Blocker 2019
A Game of Thrones spoiler blocking plugin for your Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and Google News feeds.
Adblock Potty — best ad blocker
Potty Ad blocker - ad blocker software for Super Fast Use browser.