319 gefundene Suchergebnisse für »image block«
EditThisCookie ist ein Cookie-Manager mit dem man Cookies hinzufügen, löschen, bearbeiten, suchen, schützen und blockieren kann.
Unübertroffene Werbeblocker-Erweiterung gegen Werbung und Pop-ups. Sperrt Werbung auf Facebook, YouTube und allen anderen Websites.
Leistungsstark und benutzerfreundlich: Blockiere Werbung, Tracker und beschleunige Seiten mit der Ghostery Datenschutz-Erweiterung.
Adblock for YouTube™ — best adblocker
Privacy aware, secure Adblock for YouTube™. Blocks any ads on
VectorDraw - Paint on Tab
Zeichnen Sie interaktive Objekte (Kreis, Rechteck, Polygon) oder verwenden Sie das Pinselwerkzeug, um auf der aktuellen Registerkarte zu schreiben und das Ergebnis zu erfassen
Color Picker - Native Eyedropper
Bestimmen Sie die Farbe des Pixels auf dem Bildschirm mit einer Lupen-Augenpinzette. Es unterstützt die Farbauswahlhistorie und das Kopieren in die Zwischenablage
IGPlus - Remove Instagram Reels, Explore Page
Disable Instagram Shorts, videos, comments, suggestions wall, vanity metrics, homepage recomendations, trending... and many more.
Adblocker for Youtube™
Block all Youtube Ads! Augment your YouTube experience with Fullscreen Theater Mode, Video Screenshot, Volume Booster and many more
Gravatar Research
Click the right button of mouse on the image Gravatar to instantly receive the email address of an owner Gravatar
Trufflepiggy - Context Search
The context search for all of us: quick, easy & fully customizable. Perfect for translations, price comparisons, image searches,…
Pinterest Video Guide
With Pinterest Video Guide, You can easily Views any Videos, Images, and Gifs.
LightPhoto Editing
Basic photo editing tools. Get online image with context menu to edit with basic tools
Edit with Paint.Net
Adds a context menu item to send image links directly to Paint.Net photo editor
PhotoTracker Lite
Fast and free one-click image duplicates search in Google, Yandex, Bing and TinEye.
Edit with Adobe Photoshop
Adds a context menu item to send image links directly to Adobe Photoshop photo editor
Policy Control
Gain complete control over all content settings (cookie, images, javascript, etc.).
Pinterest Video Downloader allows you to download hd videos, gifs, images easily.
Displays card image popups for collectable card games on all webpages you visit.
QR Code Reader
a multiple QR- and bar-code scanner that supports scanning from webcam and local images
Bulk Media Downloader
Grab and download media (image and video) sources by monitoring network (like FlashGot)
Pintdow - Pinterest Downloader Guide
Our Website is dedicated to provide you best guide that How can you save the Pinterest Videos and Images.
Shareaholic for Pinterest
Pin images from any website to Pinterest. See the official Pinterest pin count for any link.
SmallPDFfree for Opera
With SmallPDFfree, managing PDFs and images directly from your browser has never been easier.
Screenshot YouTube Video
Schnelles Speichern von Frames aus Videos von YouTube und im JPEG-Format mit nur einem Klick.
Pinterest Video Download Guide
With Pinterest Video Download Guide, You can easily Views and download any Videos, Images, and Gifs.
YouTube Downloader 2.0
Herunterladen von Mediendateien (Video, Audio und Bilder) von Video-Hosting einfach und schnell
Instagram Downloader (IDL Helper)
Schneller Download von Musik und Videos von Instagram als MP3, MP4, WEBM. Herunterladen von Bildern aus der Galerie.
VK original files
Shows the original file in image viewer popup, scrolls thumbnails, gives download links for VK videos.
Reader View
strips away clutter like buttons, background images, and changes the page's text size, contrast and layout for better readability
WebGL Fingerprint Defender
Defending against WebGL fingerprinting by reporting a fake value.
Markdown Diagrams
Render PlantUML, Mermaid and others graph/diagrams on webpages.
SpoPlus - Edit Spotify Theme & Setttings
2023 Spotify extension that allows you to setup new themes, fonts, remove annoying notifications, popups, and so on!
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