Opera Ad blocker
Built-in Ad blocker blocks ads and lets you surf the web up to 3x faster.
Adblock Plus
Спампуйце Adblock Plus — адзін з найбольш папулярных блакіроўшчыкаў рэкламы ў свеце.
Dark Mode
A global dark theme for the web
Modern, dark mode for Google Docs
Dark Mode Global
Invert light-themed web pages into dark to reduce eyestrain
Changes soundcloud.com to a dark theme.
Night Mode Pro
Switch to night mode and the display is much easier on your eyes!
Titanium Cheats chess
Titanium Cheats suggests the best move, rates possible moves, warns for blunders, and shows how your game on chess.com evolves.
Custom Dark Mode
Customize your dark mode for the web!
Stop Reclame
Get rid of ads for free!
Dark Theme for Google™
A highly customizable dark theme for Google products (search, images, translate, and contacts)
Channel Blocker
Allows you to block YouTube™ videos and comments by blacklisting users and/or by using regular expressions.
Global Dark Style
A configure dark theme with exception list to change everything to real dark
Dark Skin for Youtube™
Makes Youtube go dark-side
Google Search Dark Mode
Implements a Dark Mode for Google Search.
Custom Scrollbars
Give your browser a personal touch with customized scrollbars!
A screen saver for Opera.
YouTube Customizer
Customize your YouTube.
Тема для YouTube - Темный карбон
Для любителей темных тем оформления
Dark Theme for YouTube™
A Dark and Smooth Theme for YouTube
Formula 1 Darkmode
Darkmode Formula 1
Custom Page Zoom
Easily set a custom zoom level for each website (or all websites)
Fix for sidebar Facebook Messsenger™
Extension to improve the appearance of the sidebar Facebook Messenger™
Dark Theme for YouTube™
A light, dark theme for YouTube with easy toggle on and off and scheduling support. This theme is based on the default YouTube theme
Mod randomizer
Randomly enables a mod and disables other mods. Can automatically identify mods.
In The Dark
Turn off the lights and use a torch to see!
Desktop Lux: Effects
Customize your Web with stunning animations and effects.
ZaDark – Zalo Dark Mode
Auto Dark Theme for Discord
Make Discord automatically match your system's dark/light theme.
Toggle Old Reddit Redirect
Redirects www.reddit.com URLs to old.reddit.com. The redirect can be toggled on/off by clicking the toolbar icon.
Website Theme Manager
Change your desired website's look! Choose your style from userstyles.org or write your own!
Dark Mode for Outlook
A better dark theme for Microsoft Outlook.